Wish Trump actually said this… – IOTW Report

Wish Trump actually said this…

 From the GloriousAmerican-

…the Democrat party was not too happy to see conservatives laugh at one of their brightest stars getting burnt to a crisp.

“What about that brave, young Portland man who was trying to set businesses on fire, but then set himself on fire?!” a reporter yelled at President Trump.

“I did see it.  I stayed up for hours watching that 12-second video.  So yes, I’m very familiar with it,” Trump replied.  “But after looking into it, it’s going to be OK, he has insurance.”


Alas, this was satire.

I wish Trump actually said it, it would have been, as the site title states, glorious.

13 Comments on Wish Trump actually said this…

  1. Funny how Antifa medics never carry a fire extinguisher. Pro-life when it comes to little flames, I reckon.

    Every fire is sacred,
    Every fire is great.
    If a fire is wasted,
    Satan gets quite irate.

    (Sorry, not sorry, Monty Python)

  2. Thirdtwin
    SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 AT 11:15 AM
    “Funny how Antifa medics never carry a fire extinguisher. ”

    …that’s because they’re not useful, they’re not well-intentioned, and they’re not even medics.

    That’s just a lie they tell each other so rioters think they have good medical care, and pretend medics get to flatter themselves by claiming they are something they’re not.

    Kind of a metaphor for Obama care, if you think about it…

    …anyway, I’ve done tons of rants about what frauds these are, what charlatans, what traitors to their oaths the few that actually HAVE some training are, so I won’t repeat here.

    Just know that Democrats are trying to pervert the title of “Medic”, just like they try to pervert EVERYTHING, and I’m not having it.

    They ain’t medics.

    They are frauds.

    And I hope to see one of THEM in flames one day, and know that its just a foretaste of the burning they’ve earned themselves in hell.

    Fuck those guys.

  3. “The time to hesitate is through
    No time to wallow in the mire
    Try now we can only lose
    And our hate become a funeral pyre

    Come on soyboy, light your fire
    Come on soyboy, light your fire
    Try to set yourself on fire

    (This is where idiot bursts into flames)

    (Happy synth outro)

    -apologies to the Doors, “Light My Fire”


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