Just The News: President Trump is putting pressure on Democratic presidential rival Joe Biden to announce a list of potential Supreme Court nominations, if elected, after Trump on Wednesday added 20 names to his original list.
“Joe Biden has refused to release his list perhaps because he knows the names are so extremely far left that they could never withstand public scrutiny,” Trump said.
The president also suggested that Biden will select “radical candidates” who would “fundamentally transform America without a single vote of Congress.” more
Biden’s list:
1. Make sure your zipper is up
2. Make sure Mr. happy is inside before commencing with #1.
3. If you forget 1 & 2 Make a joke about “well it IS a hot day today”
4. Read the teleprompter
4. Don’t sniff anyone’s hair
5. Don’t let anyone sniff your hair
6. Especially don’t let the midgets sniff your hair
7. Especially don’t let the midgets sniff your hair if “it IS a hot day today”
8. Refer to any midgets as Little People
9. Your running mate is Kamala Harris
10. Don’t call her “Camel-ah”
11. Don’t call her “Mattress Back”
12. Don’t call her ‘Mrs. Willie Brown”
13. Find something to blame Trump about
14. If you can’t think of anything just make something up, the media will find a way to spin it for you.
15. If all else fails just blame Trump for “you know, that thing…”
16. Only answer the approved questions from the list you were given
17. Only call on the reporters who you were told to call on
18. Only read the approved answers that were given to you
19. Make sure you are answering the question with the right answer. Answer 1 goes with question 1, and so on
20. It’s a Lion, Rhinoceros, and a Camel
21. The camel is not your running mate
22. Yes, there’s a lot of humping associated with the camel, but it’s still not your running mate.
23. Mention that Trump’s supporters don’t wear masks and yours do
24. Ignore the pictures that show Trump supporters wearing masks
25. Ignore the fact that the masks your supporters are wearing is due to the tear gas
26. Loudly exclaim that your support base IS ON FIRE
27. It’s “BLM” That’s “B L M’, not BM. BM is why you wear depends.
28. If you feel the need to kneel, do it. DO NOT say “OK, Kamala, show us how to kneel”.
29. Never, ever, under any circumstances take any questions that aren’t on the list
Number 27 made me laugh, joey would slip up and accidentally say BM. BM could also stand for brown matters depending on how his addlepated mind is semi functioning on any particular day. They call him Mellow Yellow, did he smoke too many banana peels when he was younger or do a pratfall slipping on a banana peel. He’s becoming a one man standing joke who doesn’t know that he’s an idiot. His campaign slogan could be Idiots for Presidunce with a reference to We’re all Bozos on the short bus.
His list for supreme court:
– Barack Obama
– Eric Holder
– Kamala Harris (because he forgot she was his running mate)
– Corn Pop
– Teddy the wonder lizard
Gonna havta help slow Joe out there a bit. Make sure he knows you want a list of the people he’d NOMINATE for the Supreme Court. If you don’t he’ll get back to you the next day with a list of the current members.
Dementia Joe Obiden Bama’s handlers have hundreds of leftists leftovers from Osmidgen’s eight years of Fundamental Destruction. Since almost everything the Dementiacrats have forced on this country has resulted from the Judiciary overruling the will of the majority of the citizens of this country, it will only get worse if they gain control of the Presidency. A Black Colored Lesbian must be on Dr. Jill’s short list, and a Hindu transsexual at the top of Kalamity’s most favored nominees.
He can not remember 20 peoples names never mind 20 judges.
If he needs a list, he should just ask his son Hunter for names of the last 20 judges he appeared before.