Burger Queen – IOTW Report

Burger Queen

Brietbart – Burger King has launched a new advertising campaign in Finland featuring its eponymous mascot sharing a deep kiss with Ronald McDonald, along with the English slogan ‘Love Conquers All’.


Turd Burglar?

ht/ jerry manderin

37 Comments on Burger Queen

  1. Finland must be comprised mostly of Homo’s.

    Or maybe Burger King doesn’t care what people think of them for some reason that escapes me.

    There’s something about Homo food that just doesn’t appeal to me, though, and I doubt I would ever eat there after this ad campaign.

  2. We live in a binary Universe.
    Good v Evil.
    Up v Down.
    Wrong v Right.
    Liberty v Slavery.
    Self-Rule v Autocracy.
    Limited Gov’t v Totalitarian Gov’t.
    +x v -x.
    +y v -y.
    +z v -z.
    (haven’t uncovered negative time)

    Corporations are run by people – some may be good people – some may be bad people – but ALL of them have their eye on the Prize – Profit.
    The calculus at Burger King is that catering to perversion is more profitable than remaining silent about perversion. Their stance is Anti-God, Anti-Decency, Anti-Moral, and Anti-Normal (as mathematically defined). They declare for perversion in the knowledge (or hope) that most people won’t care enough to avoid them (BK) and that the actively perverted will think them associative and be more willing to spend their money there (at BK), rather than elsewhere.

    Nothing else makes sense (to me).

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Remember when they endorsed throwing milk shakes on conservatives in the UK by advertising that they would be selling milkshakes wink wink? All their gay pride burgers and rainbow wrappers. If I was in a town in the middle of nowhere and there was a lone Burger King I’d rather starve then pay them a dime.

  4. I just knew it! All those websites and videos claiming the Finland education system is the best in the world are complete crapola.

    However, their education system does seem to not snuff out an hilarious slightly twisted sense of humor if it’s natural to the Fins.
    Or perhaps it creates the weird sense of humor if it’s not in their DNA.

    The people at the company Varusteleka [Var-ist-de-liquor] clearly have an off kilter sense of humor. Their periodic monthly propaganda, aka product specials are generally fun to read.

    Plus they sell many great outdoor products. Delivered faster than you’d think possible during the virus hustle.

    The Finnish Summer – Varusteleka’s Midsummer Bingo:
    – The traditional guessing game is here again! Guess the amount of people to drown in Finland during the Midsummer weekend and win prizes! –
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xBDPKcgQZo .

    English – Christmas – A-merry-Can
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grpz_0h0z74 .

  5. I’m with SNS- I doubt McDonald’s was okay with advertising with BK so…

    It’s sexual assault at least. 🙄
    And for God’s sake- who wants to see the burger king mackin on someone? Ruins the appetite.


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