Another Academic Caught Passing As Black – IOTW Report

Another Academic Caught Passing As Black

Legal Insurrection

This week, a doctoral student named CV Vitolo-Haddad was exposed as a similar case. This person claimed to be African-American but is in fact, Italian. More

22 Comments on Another Academic Caught Passing As Black

  1. she did a biden ‘plagarism maneuver,’ using/stealing warren’s ‘that’s what my mommy and paw paw told me.’
    They might have put such a thing in the democratic flatform (!) when they removed God.

    theft by deception

  2. I’m sure someone else, maybe many have asked or wondered this, but if blacks are so oppressed and in constant danger…………….why would anyone want to pass themselves off as such?

  3. I can remember my Polish ancestry Mom saying that back in the day that she and my Italian Dad married, it was looked down on as if it were an interracial marriage, especially if the person was Sicilian.

  4. It says everything about the Real Racial Privilege in our society that white people keep getting caught pretending they’re black in order to advance their careers on something other than talent alone, but no black people pretend to be white for that reason anymore, ever. Black people with talent are never sabotaged because of their race. But white people with talent are.

  5. It was 20 years ago UW-Madison got caught Photo shopping minorities into their admissions brochure. Between Krug getting caught last week (she was a graduate apparently) and this woman, it seems Madtown has made itself a target for accepting impostors.

  6. Hey, it’s Madison! The center or hub of socialism/communism for WI

    Would expect nothing less and plenty more where that one came from.

    A hot summer night, fell like a net
    I’ve gotta find my baby yet
    I need you, to soothe my head
    And turn my blue heart to red
    Doctor Doctor, gimme the news

  7. Wow, these frauds really go in for the hysterical, don’t they? If you can make it through their goofy kitchen-sink-pizza-for-an-explanation, they really give themselves a lot of credit for “violence” and “despair” felt by others over their idiotic mental disorders. Even the person who outed the guy can’t just write a plain sentence about him.

    I get a headache just wading through all their crap.

    But this caught my attention: “… of engaging in the same kind of race-shifting and copious lying that now has people enraged with Krug (and which distracts from the important work and struggles of actual Black thinkers, both in and outside of the academy).”

    Mmm hmm. “actual Black thinkers” Apparently she doesn’t know anything about Sowell, Williams, Steele, and the dozens of other Black conservative thinkers who have been speaking and writing for decades.

    And what is this “enacted violence on”? Okay, I give up.

    I stopped reading as soon as the fraud started in on his family folk lore. I bet he hasn’t talked to anyone in his immediate family in years.

    These people are certifiable.

  8. So what have the penalties really been?

    Rachel Dolezal had quite a few thing go wrong for her but what consequences were there for Talcum X (Shaun King), Jessica Krug, and this Italian Soy Boy?

    Hell, Turdeau got rewarded for his racism and blamed all of white people for the “layers of systematic white privilege ..”


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