Watch This and You’ll Understand #BLM and Antifa – IOTW Report

Watch This and You’ll Understand #BLM and Antifa

From 1968- could be 2020-

ht/ hot salsa

14 Comments on Watch This and You’ll Understand #BLM and Antifa

  1. I think what these Antifa educated idiots fail to understand, is the spirit of the American people. We are not Europeans, and will not stay peaceful forever. Slow to anger, but when the limit is reached, look out.

  2. Since at least as early as Woodrow Wilson, the Democrat Party is the false face of Communism.

    Watch M.Stanton Evans and his cohort on old YT videos. What we are experiencing today is not a recurrence of the Communists’ efforts, it is just the continuation of what has been going on for a century in this country under the banner of “Democrat”. It’s been alive and well since Marx unleashed his revolutionary new political/economic theory on the world in the publishing of The Communist Manifesto in 1848. And even before then, in 1847, the Communist League and its partners in Belgium and the Netherlands, were already at work in Europe.

    Many of us are aware of the sympathetic, even enthusiastic embrace of these new alternatives to capitalism by Wilson, the NYTs, and later FDR. During and after WWII, there were at least 500 known Communists in the highest reaches of our federal gov’t. The most well recognized were but the tip of the iceberg.

    So much more to say about all this and our current situation. It would take volumes and volumes.

    One area I have listened/read alot about is the emergence of the Black Panther Party and the Black Power Movement. David Horowitz has written and talked a lot about their ties to the official Communist Party in America. Neither of these organizations have gone away. Today’s BLM is a direct continuation of a conglomeration of these and other racially-divisive orgs/people.

  3. As of 11:30 AM about an hour ago Spokane’s air quality index tipped over into the hazardous range above 300. It is smoky and gray and nasty out there today; I’m glad we got our grocery shopping done this morning, the only good thing is that it’s keeping our temperatures down but it is truly gross outside right now and we’re further cooped up indoors until this blows over in a day or two. I’m almost looking forward to Winter this year just because.

  4. AA
    RIGHT! It has been 100 years!
    Uncle Joe bragged 100 years about what he would do. Liberals either lied (those with brains and understood AND AGREED); or said out of dumbness “he is kidding”.

    Ronny warned us 5×5 – loud + clear – in 1960 when he said, “My party not only nominated a Commie, but elected him President. My party left me!”! But it still took Ronny one a year to go to Norwalk and change his party officially.

    For anyone literate “the handwriting has been on the wall” for 60 years!
    60 years ago The Press (MSM today) said Ronny was a racist! Were he alive, they would again say Ronny is racist!

    belated disclaimer

  5. Regarding fires in Oregon- a friend living in Clackamas/Level 2 area with a police scanner said that they are getting “a ton of reports about people starting fires all night long . And reports of the looters/arsonists moving to the white hoods.”
    The fires around Portland are in the more conservative neighborhoods.
    Very few people are buying, what I call The Big Bang theory of the late 2020 fire Season. People are waking up!
    Went to the Mexican market this morning aNd the owner said that if anyone Tries anything in his store, he’ll “Blow them away!”
    Driving home last night from Eastern Oregon was eerie. So much smoke with very little visibility. Someone started a fire in the Eastern Washington wine country, across the river. These people are sinister. Demonic. Only the blood of Jesus can overcome this evil.
    Keep praying!

  6. I started watching the FSU v. GT game.
    TheY lost me with the social justice raised fists.
    FSU wasted millions buying up contract of bad coach and millions more to get the new guy so they can play in an almost empty stadium .
    The could have saved millions and still played to almost empty stands with bad coach
    Probably even less fans if they keep up this crap
    90% black player’s getting free education to play football and audition for NFL
    I guess their BLM black power salutes help ensure future in NFL
    I can’t imagine old Bobby Bowden allowing that crap.


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