Portland Mayor Bans Police Use of Tear Gas After 100 Days of Rioting – IOTW Report

Portland Mayor Bans Police Use of Tear Gas After 100 Days of Rioting

Daily Signal: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has banned the use of tear gas on rioters in the Oregon city.

Wheeler, a Democrat who is also Portland’s police commissioner, banned the use of tear gas munitions on rioters Thursday, despite ongoing riots that have surpassed the 100-day mark, a press release from his office says. Wheeler wrote that the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office and the Oregon State Police have used tear gas to quell riots over nearly four months. more

28 Comments on Portland Mayor Bans Police Use of Tear Gas After 100 Days of Rioting

  1. ‘ruined your city’
    Seems like part of the plan, devalue and sell to China.

    “sprayed with superglue”
    I’m still holding out for honey wagon. Sort of a recycling project, inexpensive and could probably get free application. Contact a few pig farmers and let them know they get to spray vegan and vegetarians.

  2. From the article

    “CS gas is a tool which has been used sparingly in the last 104 nights. We want to clear up a misconception that it is being used as crowd control. It is not. It is being used to disperse crowds only when there is a life safety event. Most recently, it was used to disperse a crowd from which a Molotov cocktail was thrown at officers and ended up injuring a community member who was on fire.”

    Apparently community members can still use molotov cocktails

  3. ‘Fight fire with fire’ – uh, it’s a saying.

    I suggest a NEW tactic on them, ‘Light them up’ with massively sprayed ‘highly’ concentrated THC.

    That would stop them in their TRACKS…and having a subduing affect/effect…

  4. I’m surprised that the regular citizens of Portland have put up with this so long. It’s amazing to me they haven’t resorted to vigilantism and removed the mayor from office in an extra-judicial sort of way.

  5. I believe John Wayne said, “Life is hard but it’s a lot harder if your stupid.”

    The same principle applies to Portland. Life in Portland is hard but it’s a lot harder after you elect a stupid mayor.

  6. So the mayor gets to tell the sheriffs and the state troopers how to do their job?

    Dude couldn’t even tell his own wife to stay married to him, the fudge he thinks the state troopers are gonna’ ‘respect his authori-tie?’

  7. I would think law enforcement has had enough of these unhinged mayors and governors putting their and the public’s safety at risk. What they are doing is criminal. I wonder if the police can remove these clowns for turning their backs on the oaths they took…

  8. Terror joined to Propaganda.

    Tried-and-true method of dominance by Totalitarians for, at least, 2500 years.

    People of Portland must be pathetically stupid (or monumental cowards) to endure this imbecile and his terror campaign for 3 months.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I would say water from fire trucks but then the fire service becomes one of the primary targets of the rioters.


    I’ll go with Honey Trucks spraying them with Shit and Piss for $800 Alex.

  10. You could tag them with paintball guns and arrest arrest arrest but they would be let out within an hour by prosecutors.

    Just asking:
    1) Is there a mechanism for the police chief to to directly ask for Federal help?
    2) Is there a mechanism where the police chief could arrest the mayor endangering the public / negligence, taking part in a riot (he did get pepper sprayed once I think)?

  11. The mayor made himself commissioner of police a few years back, he says so he could fight racism and police abuse. He doesn’t control the sheriff but the local police, which have had enough of this ass from what I hear.
    But who knows. The cops are making bucks with all the overtime. I have a few friends as cops around there that are making way over 100k. But they are getting worn out. Something’s got to give.


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