Very Sad Story About the Fires – IOTW Report

Very Sad Story About the Fires

NBC News – A 12-year-old boy was found dead Wednesday alongside his dog after wildfires swept through towns near Lyons, Oregon.

The boy, Wyatte Tofte, reportedly ran from his home as flames approached. His body was found next to his dog’s body after the fire had burned through the area.

Finish reading here.

28 Comments on Very Sad Story About the Fires

  1. @Anonymous — Please. There’s no reason to share everything that comes into your head.

    This is gut-churning. RottyLover just wrote a day ago that her niece and husband, having moved to So.OR after being burned out of Pardise, just lost everything again and with zero insurance. They’ve lost everything.

    To lose a young son/grandson and grandmother at once in something so horrific — and possibly at the hands of another human — is a loss beyond the heart and mind to comprehend. There are no words. Woe to us all.

  2. I never saw any follow up articles, but when they ‘allegedly’ found the campsite for Antifa, why didn’t someone use a flamethrower and burn them to the ground, along with their tents??

  3. TheMule – I’d lump BLM, democRATz, NFL, NBA, the Bought & Paid For Media and every pandering, “woke” CEO into that group as well! People need to see what they are supporting and say No More!!!

  4. Anonymous
    SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 AT 1:04 PM

    …I’ve seen burnt kids before, anon, fresh from the same fire that killed their Dad. I’ve held a child’s seared hand who needs human comfort in her agony while waiting for a helicopter because the fright is worse than the pain. I’ve pulled half-burnt, fully clothed bodies out of partially filled bathtubs in fire-ravaged bathrooms with the water still running who actually drown because facing the fire was worse.

    Go voulenteer in a pediatric burn ward, anon. Listen to the children scream while their scars are debrieded with a wire brush. Get an eyeful of fingers seared together into flippers. Watch the kids unquiet sleep when they are too fatigued to guard against lying on the pain any more.

    Then tell me how fucking funny this is.

  5. @AbigailAdams: Please don’t be too hard on Anonymous for reading “Wyatte Tofte” as “twat waffle”. Everyone knows that almost all “anonymous” posters are dyslexic. Otherwise they would be able to create and remember a screenname, like the normal commenters here.


  6. Points taken, it is a reflection on my dysfunction rather than anyone else, particularly the poor kid. May his family find peace in this most horrific of times. The boy and dog are free and with God.

  7. Damn sad. At least the boy wasn’t alone when he passed and he and his pal had each other. God bless all three of these souls as well as the rest who lives have been taken by what may turn out to be politically motivated arson. This is why Antifa needs to be named as a terrorist group. Hell, at this point BLM and the Democrat Party ought to be added as well.

  8. …here, Laughing Boy. Here’s what a kid burned until their flesh separates looks like. There’s worse, this is just the best example I could find quickly, and the one least likely to give everyone who isn’t you nightmares, at least not lifelong ones.

    This baby died because of an incubator fuck-up, so it’s not NEARLY as extreme, but you can still see how the skin burst, the legs tried to retract away from the heat,how the arms are as far as possible from the burn and see from the burn patten how its neck was bent to try to keep its head away from the heat.

    And know that an open flame burn is much,much worse.


    …laugh it up, asshole.

  9. Declare war on these terrorists and transport the captured ones to Gitmo.
    Not as criminals, but as POWs who stay there until the war is over!
    Time to implement Operation Roach Motel: Terrorists check in, but they don’t check out!

  10. I’m having a hard time trying to discern who sought who out more at the end, the boy for his dog or the dog for his boy.

    Crying a little harder than I should over this but it has been a brutal workweek. The poetry to be found in these two being together at the end, more beauty in that than all the hideousness we have been forcefed lately.

  11. The pictures from space give an idea of how massive these fires are. It’s been reported that arson arrests have been made, it’s unbelievable how sick some people are to cause this kind of destruction. This just sickens me.

  12. One arsonist has been arrested in Spokane. She posted herself to FB. Like TOO MANY of these cretins, she’s got a recent arrest record for “reckless burning” (I guess that’s what ‘arson’ means now). Will they let her go again?

    You won’t believe what she posted:

    “Feeling cute. Might burn all your sh*t later. idk.”

    The light-hearted treatment TGP gave this story is a little sickening.


  13. …sorry, Vietvet, I was indeed talking to Asshoimous and not you, I like YOUR posts, including this one. Guess I should have made that clearer, but I had to put the thing down for a bit I was so pissed…

    Sorry, glad you knew, and glad N Blushes defended you when he thought I was wrong.

    Also, my posts ARE TL:DNR.

    It’s just who I am, I don’t fit in 140 characters…

  14. We have 12 deaths here so far and that many missing. Whether trapped or stayed to protect their property is unknown, and it doesn’t matter at this point. I have sympathy for anyone who lost everything and has to start over. No one is out of the woods here as we have 2 more months of fire danger. Paradise burned in November, the fire is headed in that direction, and is burning in Cherokee/Table Mountain near Lake Oroville. People are walking around in a daze.

  15. @Supernightshade (at 4:22 pm): No need to apologize – I was pretty much positive you weren’t talking to me.

    P.S. – For what it’s worth, I really admire all the things you have done in your life. Most of us could never hope to have the experiences you have had, much less be able to cope with them without having a nervous breakdown.

    Thank goodness for all the people like you who can be that strong.

    What would we do without them?

  16. I’ve read too many things lately that are not only heartbreaking but, unimaginable. The programmed hatred that encourages people to commit such evil acts is impossible for sane people to comprehend.
    The only solution I can see is to remove such evil people from society for good with the death penalty.

  17. Vietvet
    SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 AT 5:26 PM

    You are too kind, I’m just a doofis who liked having lights on the roof of his car and was blessed to serve with some very good people when dealing with some pretty bad stuff. If it wasn’t me, it would have just been someone else.

    Nothing like the things you’ve seen in your tour(s) on our literal front lines, I’m sure, and we who sheltered behind you thank you for your service.

    We have many vets here, of which I’m not one though my father was, but you all don’t talk out of school like I do, so I can only imagine the valleys of death you all have walked through and made it back alive, so what I did with my little band of brothers pales to insignificant beside that.

    So, cliché though it us, you still don’t hear it enough.

    Thank you for your service.

  18. The laughable claim that all of these massive, pincher attack-esque fires are being started by ‘nature’ and not people… especially in some areas that are not prone to wildfires…

    Look- eventually the victims of the fires are gonna start killing someone and that someone is gonna be anyone identifying themselves as Antifa.


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