Joe Biden’s Three Car Parade – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s Three Car Parade

Red State

Manufacturing the appearance of enthusiasm for the Biden-Harris campaign is a tough job. When your ticket is a man in the early stages of dementia and a woman who couldn’t make it to the first primary despite having every built-in advantage, getting people excited to come out and see you is a bit like hyping up a trip to the dentist. I mean, yeah, you’ve got some freaks who enjoy having their teeth prodded, but it’s not many.

Enter this “parade” that Jill Biden’s press secretary was promoting yesterday. Watch the video closely. More

24 Comments on Joe Biden’s Three Car Parade

  1. I am amused at this failed campaign. Yet in the darker corners of my mind my suspicions run. Just what the fun are the dRats doing? What sinister plan of attack will they unleash for the election?

  2. It is a virtual parade just like they are planning for Macy’s Thanksgiving parade. After all Biden doesn’t want a circus, so there will be no circus parade. Politician hate to draw large crowds, everybody knows that.

  3. Didnt even have to block off the neighborhood street.

    there must be a better word than pathetic to describe this.
    certainly not pitiful. I dont pity him.
    wretched? maybe

    idk, maybe pathetic is best….
    didnt the clowns throw out candy?

    Hey, wheres joes vette?

  4. Pitiful. Touted as success, without any reality check, they continue to sink into the rabbit hole.

    Sad to say, with each of these debacle clown shows foisted upon the American voter, complete with the laugh worse than Hillary’s, (yea, I too, never thought it possible), I’m starting to look forward to the next ‘act’.

    Which of the demoncrat chosen candidates will find that path to hyper ridiculous faster?

  5. They keep threatening to have Biden parades in response to Trump Trains and what is even lamer is they aren’t willing to spend the money to buy flags, signs, stickers etc. let alone spending hours driving around, boating etc.

  6. I was doing deliveries today and laughing my Biden off. Trump signs everywhere. And I’m talking flags, banners by the multiples in the same yard. I’ve never seen it to this extent for anything. And lots of folks will just have a sign for candidates running locally and regionally but they’re predominantly Republicans. John James signs are everywhere. Those people are more likely than not voting Trump. They’re just nervous to display a Trump sign. Very, very few Biden signs here.👍


    The president wants Biden drug tested before the debates. We’ll see if that ever happens. – Dr. Tar

  8. This morning on our way to breakfast, my son and I saw a circle of about 10 elderly men sitting in lawn chairs, in a parking lot by the Dairy Queen.

    We drove over, thinking maybe it was a ‘Brilliant’ Biden rally. It was strange looking, right there in the parking lot, surrounded by cars.

  9. That was depressing and pitiful.

    If Joe wasn’t such a big scumbag for 47 years you would otherwise feel sorry for such a lack of anyone who really cares about him.

    You reap what you sow.

    We got one of those up here too.

  10. I can’t get over Jill Biden dressing like an off brand, counterfeit Brigitte Macron. I mean, who aspires to look like a desiccated old hag who wears outfits that she is about 50 years too old to pull off. The short skirt, the hooker boots. No, just, NO. Mutton dressed as lamb.

  11. If Joe has any sanity left and he really loves America he should stand up at the debate and announce he is dropping out of the race and going to vote for Trump. Also throw in that Kamala Harris is unfit for any office, then just walk away and enjoy a life in seclusion. Most people would finally have something to respect him for.

  12. I’ve been part of bigger parades for 11 year old birthdays during lockdown than that was.
    And if Dr. Jill could be there, where was her hubby? Isn’t HE the one that’s supposed to be running for office??


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