Growing research indicates many COVID-19 cases might not be infectious at all – IOTW Report

Growing research indicates many COVID-19 cases might not be infectious at all

Just The News: A growing body of research suggests that a significant number of confirmed COVID-19 infections in the U.S. — perhaps as many as 9 out of every 10 — may not be infectious at all, with much of the country’s testing equipment possibly picking up mere fragments of the disease rather than full-blown infections. 

Confirmed cases of the disease have been the focal point of public health authorities and governments worldwide for many months, with countries across the globe working frantically to shore up their testing infrastructure and ensure that most citizens who want a COVID-19 test can obtain one with relative ease. 

Many politicians, meanwhile — including most state governors in the U.S. — have tied reopening policies to the number of cases detected in the local community, with regions and localities often being permitted to reopen in staggered “phases” only when they have reached successively lower benchmarks of average new daily cases in the area. more

8 Comments on Growing research indicates many COVID-19 cases might not be infectious at all

  1. When all the panic dies down and all the finger-wagging nannies get kicked to the curb the real number crunching will be done. It will show that the COVID ‘crisis’ was the biggest scam in history.

  2. From this point on, anything posted by me regarding the CDC is only because I’m expecting the dept. to be trashed in the comment section.
    Consider those posts to be 5 minutes of hate posts against them and any political figure on the left or RINOs. But I repeat myself.

  3. Official figures for Xi Virus cases in the State of Utah have been accelerating rapidly in the past week, rising from numbers averaging around 300 for over a month to today’s figure of over 1100. Coincidentally — or not, last week, the State authorized use of saliva samples, rather than deep nasal swabs. There is talk of returning to lockdowns (which were never home confinement lockdowns). I don’t think there is political will to again restrict the economy, but it is election season and the Dems have been beating the dempanic drums to put fear into the hearts of Karens, who have had considerable impact on election results the past few years. No politician wants to be accused of not having done enough, though no one can define what enough is.

  4. The Democrats Covid 19 virus developed and distributed by their Chinese buddies as a
    political bio-weapon to keep President Trump from winning reelection now looks like it will not successfully complete its intended mission after all!

  5. Not too surprised that biologically it’s not as infectious or as deadly as the Fauci hype claimed.

    However, using Wuhan covid-19 as an excuse (opportunity) for tyrannical behavior by tyrant wannabe politicians remains highly infectious for a surefire acute state of the ego illness.


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