Dad Joke Off: Police vs. Firefighters – IOTW Report

Dad Joke Off: Police vs. Firefighters

A little dated, but being dated is more of a feature than a flaw when it comes to dad jokes. Here we have representatives of the Sioux Falls police and fire department challenging each other to tell the best “dad jokes.”

Who says public servants lack a sense of humor. Watch

17 Comments on Dad Joke Off: Police vs. Firefighters

  1. …we always called cops canaries, because they would go into toxic environments with much bravery and not enough SCBA.

    And if they went down, we knew to pack up.

    And if they DIDN’T go down, we STILL packed up, because the woozy fools sometimes forgot that you can’t SEE carbon monoxide, so they’d lose their way to the door and we’d have to go find them before they died…

  2. …here’s a weird little story for you…

    …we had this one guy who was REALLY scared of a pregnant woman dropping a baby without announcement during transport, something that isn’t weird with multigravitas or crackhead, both of which we had in abundance. Rules at the time said you had to transport if not crowning, but STOP and deliver if crowning.

    Well, this guy was scared about birth injury and stuff, and got REALLY squirrley with a labor run even though he was OK with everything else, and if he was box guy, he’d keep asking the mother if she was crowning, and have to check himself if she didn’t know what the hell he was talking about. If he was driver, he’d constantly tell the box guy to check for crowning.

    It didn’t help that he had a harelip that was easy to mock, so mock it I did, which God has since paid me back for sevenfold, and you KNOW what I’m talking about if you’ve seen me discuss my son’s cleft surgeries.

    Anyway, it would always come out as “Check for cwowning”, which made it even funnier to young men and women.

    To commemorate this obsession, I composed a doggerel to the effect of,

    “There once was a medical tech,

    Who didn’t know a leg from a neck,

    With arteries spurting,

    And bones all ahurtin’

    Only for cwownong he would check.”

    …stuff seems funnier when you’re younger and carefree, nicht wahr?

    …anyway, don’t know if HE ever heard it, but it somehow got to one of the squad captains who also taught classes and CEUs.

    And much to my horror, she thought I was SERIOUS.

    She unveiled it, as you see above (but without the lisp), as a caution about doing a COMPLETE secondary exam, say for an auto accident or such, instead of fixiating on the obvious.

    Even MORE to my horror, she credited ME in an open session where, thankfully, that particular guy was NOT present.

    And she couldn’t figure out the inappropriate laughter my colleagues were directing at ME, either. SHE thought it was GREAT.

    And I sure as hell couldn’t tell her why it WASN’T.

    ..happily, that guy resigned not long after that, not (as far as I know) for that reason, and if HE ever heard it and/or where it came from, he never SAID anything.

    So to the best of my knowledge, she continued to use it as part of her training.

    That was a long time ago, so they probably don’t use that NOW, but ya never know, perhaps that’s MY lasting contribution to Medical Science, so, you’re welcome…

  3. …for the record, I never had to deliver a baby, nor had one crown, but I wasn’t crazy about the idea either because birth injury suits could be vicious and make you responsible FOR THE BABIES’ ENTIRE LIFE.

    …so, my OTHER contribution to Medical Science was my patented technique where, if the contractions were getting closer, I would nod, look grave, then lean calmly up through the pass-through to as near as I could get to the driver’s ear, and then bellow, “DRIVE FASTER!”.

    …worked every single time…

    (Didn’t get me out of my OWN son’s delivery, though, but that’s a different story for another day…)


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