Florida Restaurant Bans Kamala Harris – IOTW Report

Florida Restaurant Bans Kamala Harris

Washington Free Beacon

Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris’s unplanned visit to a Venezuelan restaurant last week ended with the restaurant owner saying that Harris was not welcome in the restaurant.

The restaurant owner added that if he had been asked to host Harris, he would have said no. More

Of course the owner is pissed, patrons of the restaurant have called for it to be boycotted. Here

18 Comments on Florida Restaurant Bans Kamala Harris

  1. Oh, the Kalamity! She’s the worst Vice Presidential Candidate since Tim Kaine running with the worst Presidential Candidate since President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. Does anyone else see a pattern here?

  2. She is a mobile health hazard to everyone in that establishment. The owner ought to send her campaign the bill for sanitizing the whole business. Note to Hairy one:Have your event planner fired.

  3. It’s almost guaranteed this was her thought bubble:

    “Look everyone! I have dark(er) skin. You have dark(er) skin. We’re the same! You’ll know by my skin color and that I’m a woman that I feel your pain and will represent you all.”

    On her and Newsom’s trespassing on that couple’s burned out property:

    “Do you know who I am?! I’m ‘black’ and a woman, so that means I can do, say, and go whereever I want, and if anyone makes a fuss, they’re a misogynistic fascist and a racist.”


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