Seattle City Council overrides mayor’s veto of police cuts – IOTW Report

Seattle City Council overrides mayor’s veto of police cuts


Seattle’s City Council voted 7-2 Tuesday evening to override Mayor Jenny Durkan’s veto of a bill that would cut police funding by around $3 million.

“We cannot look away from this and we can no longer accept the status quo if we truly believe that Black lives matter,” Council President Lorena Gonzalez said, according to

The bill would also remove as many as 100 officers from various police units and limit staff pay to $150,000, The Seattle Times reported.

The council said the bill was a “downpayment” toward its effort to ultimately defund the department by 50%, which would likely happen next year. more

25 Comments on Seattle City Council overrides mayor’s veto of police cuts

  1. Residents of Seattle are gonna need more guns & more ammo!!!

    If the government won’t do their jobs, residents are gonna need to fend for themselves!
    We’re gonna need more guns, more ammo, more Kyle’s

  2. Won’t be long before the rioters… ahem, I mean peaceful protesters… decide to ‘protest’ in the city council’s neighborhoods. Who are they gonna call to come save them?

    Did you see the story about Alyssa Milano – who is very “defund the police” – calling the cops when someone trespassed on her multimillion dollar property? There were dozens of cops and even a helicopter. She should have been told to stand outside with a gun so SHE could be arrested.

  3. MJA – I bet the residents will be looking at who is running for city council a little closer next time.

    Only after looking at each other over a 50 gallon drum fire while roasting rats for dinner (for about a year or so) then maybe it’ll occur to them to wonder how the fuck they got in that situation. These are not forward thinking people!

  4. There’s a planned “march” at 7pm starting at Westlake in Seattle to protest for Breonna Taylor. Westlake is a high end mall so I expect it’ll get ransacked. They’ve been gearing up for days from what I’ve seen on Twitter.

    Most comments I’ve read in stories about defunding SPD are not in favor of it. Locals saying that they are writing off Seattle as a place to visit for dinner, shopping etc…no more until the streets get cleaned up.

    My hairstylist might lose a client after 30 years if this continues. They’ve blocked drivers on i90. I’ll stay on my side of the lake…😡

    It’s disgusting how the Left have ruined such a beautiful city.

  5. Seattle used to be a yearly visit for a few days of delicious seafood, Eliot Bay, walking around and sight seeing. So beautiful and such a gorgeous setting.

    No more although I was just there but in and out in a few hours.

  6. @Brad What a world that we have to think like this to go about our daily lives.

    It’s pouring rain today so it might dampen the rioters resolve a bit. Their firecrackers won’t stay lit.

  7. It appears that the next act in their (democrat) playbook is to deny the citizens the right to protect themselves and property, especially if they are supporters of President Trump! Be prepared for some prison time if you do as they will drum up some kind of hate charges against you!

  8. Speaking of alarms, I have a buddy that was going to change his car horn to be the sound of gunshots. It’s pretty funny to think about, at least until you realize some gang banger might think he’s being shot at and then return fire.

  9. Boeing is talking about moving their 787 production out of Everett. Maybe that will help Seattle residents with a wake-up call.

    Nah. Never mind. Communists don’t pay attention to stuff like that. (And Communists are the majority there now.)

  10. Illustr8r

    Crazy times. We, as conservatives are obviously under assault from terrorists and our state and local governments. They’re squeezing the heck out of us. Antifa announced around 18 months ago they would eventually attack conservative home owners in their homes. I have no reason to doubt them and if part of their objective is voter intimidation, what better way? I think we need to stay on our toes until January.


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