Funny NASA rejection letter – IOTW Report

Funny NASA rejection letter

I hope this is real–

14 Comments on Funny NASA rejection letter

  1. Might be authentic as it was written during Obama’s 5th year in office. After he killed NASA’s Constellation program so he could spend the money elsewhere. Notice in the reply he writes, “we’re not looking for anyone at the present time.” Mr. Jones was apparently assuming Mentos & Coke cost less than rocket fuel to lift the same payload into orbit.

  2. …I don’t think it’s real because the spelling and grammar in the NASA letter are good and the letter is polite, and during Barry’s Muslim Outreach years I would not expect that to be the case…

  3. …I’m kind of surprised they haven’t changed the name for being racist yet, because when Houston calls, Black astronauts eo not like responding with “yes, NASA, no, NASA, right away NASA”…

  4. When I graduated with a BS degree in Aerospace Engineering, I sent my resume to a NASA facility for an advertised opening. At the time, I did not get any job offers so I decided to go to graduate school. Six months later I receive a letter from the Human Resources office of the NASA center to my home address. My mother called me up and was so excited that I could get an interview. She forwarded the letter to my school address. I was excited to open the letter. The letter stated that they have enclosed my resume. They did not want to keep it on file. The were sending it back to take it off their hands. Couldn’t they have just thrown it away? NASA was/is? so dysfunctional. That was 30 years ago.


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