Dems Roll Out Bill To Try and Take SONlight off of Hunter Biden – IOTW Report

Dems Roll Out Bill To Try and Take SONlight off of Hunter Biden

Wash Times-

House Democrats rolled out a package Wednesday to strengthen Congress’ oversight authority and curb executive powers, taking another legislative shot at President Trump ahead of the looming November election.

Unveiled by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, and several of her top committee chairs, the wide-ranging package includes provisions that would require campaigns to publicly report any attempts or offers of foreign assistance and shores up the weight of Congressional subpoenas in the courts.

Democrats touted their new anti-corruption package as a sequel to reforms that came in the wake of the Watergate scandal, arguing the president has brought about a whole new level of mistrust between the two branches.


As tipster, Rose, says – “Dems have anti corruption bill on same day as Hunter Biden report released. Look at us smart foxes, putting ourselves in charge of the henhouse.”

7 Comments on Dems Roll Out Bill To Try and Take SONlight off of Hunter Biden

  1. A real “anti-corruption” bill would result in criminal indictments of Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Schumer, Biden and other Democrats. What is being proposed is more of a “Corruption Cover-Up Bill.”

  2. not very original, but- they could name it the ‘hidin’ biden’ bill

    don’t forget pierre delecto’s son is in that mess, too.
    how much does that have to do with his SC position?

  3. We all know that only Republicans would be held to these standards.
    Even if a Democrat was brought up on this, they will fall back on the uncrowned queen Hillary’s statement “What difference does it make”

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