Take a Closer Look At Barrett – IOTW Report

Take a Closer Look At Barrett

Abigail Adams-

I’m a little worried about Barrett.  I read this yesterday at BigLeaguePolitics:

” Judge Amy Coney Barrett Recently Approved Democrat COVID-19 Lockdown PoliciesHer decision should raise some eyebrows.”  https://bigleaguepolitics.com/judge-amy-comey-barrett-recently-approved-democrat-covid-19-lockdown-policies/

That’s not all.  There are some pretty damning tweets highlighted in the article.  And this:  “Barnes explained how Barrett’s history working as a Clerk for deceased former Justice Antonin Scalia is giving the false impression that she shares his staunch originalist beliefs when that is not in fact the case. He explained that her rise is similar to that of Chief Justice John Roberts, whose record of extreme cowardice on the bench has harmed the nation immeasurably.
“This is how Justice Roberts got on the bench. You do two things if you’re on the Republican side of the aisle: You let people know that you believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned even if you don’t believe that… And you play the corporate side of the equation,” he said”.

I hope that with all that is on Trump’s overfull plate these days, that he is getting extremely good vetting on his prospective nominees.

49 Comments on Take a Closer Look At Barrett

  1. That was fast, Fur!

    These days I feel just like a greeting card I saw back in the ’90s. A cartoon picture of a house on fire, floating down a river towards a big waterfall.

    Maybe having the Communist Dems speak up in a hearing isn’t such a bad idea after all. But then it occurs to me that they wouldn’t be complaining about her Covid19 ruling, would they? If this allegation is true (haven’t had time to research it), then it seems Barrett had to dig and twist to come up with precedent that fit her ruling. Not good.

  2. True, AA. Maybe the best measure of a conservative justice is how hard the Dems fight their nomination. By that measure, Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh will be justices for the ages.

  3. Thirdtwin SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 AT 1:57 PM
    “True, AA. Maybe the best measure of a conservative justice is how hard the Dems fight their nomination. By that measure, Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh will be justices for the ages.”

    …not impressed with Kavenaugh so far, but Thomas is great…

    “In his first term, President Trump’s newest appointee voted most often with Chief Justice Roberts (94 percent) and the Court’s most orthodox party-line conservative, Samuel Alito (91 percent). He appears less radical and idiosyncratic than Trump’s first nominee, Neil Gorsuch (who votes most often with his fellow idiosyncratic radical Clarence Thomas).”

    …speaking for myself, I do NOT consider voting mostly with Roberts to be a GOOD thing, but this is VOX and they don’t like anyone right of Stalin, but even THEY say he’s not a reliable conservative vote…

  4. what concerns me most about her is- she has stated she will recuse herself from any case that pertains to a tenet of her specific religious beliefs. I don’t know if she has also specifically stated as such, but she will do as the pope says. And this is what really concerns me- the pope, lately, does what china wants. And takes their money. I don’t want 3rd hand shit, like that could potentially be, anywhere near my government, expecially on the SC.
    For that alone, I would pass on her.
    Just to be clear- yes, that would be a no from me

  5. In that Frontline film “Supreme Revenge”, they spent a lot of time highlighting the role The Federalist Society plays in selecting judges, including the Supreme Court nominees. Someone on camera from the Society made a statement about their views in 2016 about then-nominee Trump; that (para) He wasn’t cut from the same mold as the Society’s membership who understand the word “Republican” in a different way than Trump. What I took this to mean is the Federalist Society is Conservative, Inc., not tea party/Trumplican conservative. This means, I suspect, that those lawyers they regard as suited for the SCOTUS are going to be, on average, less conservative than we need/want and less reliable. That’s a gross generality, I know, but you have to make assumptions, sometimes, based on what you know about the company that is kept and how important it is for these people to stay in the good graces of that company — and win awards from them.

    Trump got his “list” from the Federalist Society.

  6. Every echo chamber teleprompter reader in the MSM and quite a few radio show pundits are all acting like Coney-Barrett (Ugh, 2 last names) is the nominee when it hasn’t been announced. Reminds me of the DNC tactic of saying “We hope the RNC doesn’t nominate ________ (weak candidate) because we don’t wanna have to run against “him”.

  7. Diane Reynolds
    SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 AT 2:19 PM
    “what concerns me most about her is- she has stated she will recuse herself from any case that pertains to a tenet of her specific religious beliefs.”

    …WHY? Does the Wise Latina recuse from anything involving Hispanics? Does the lesbian recuse from anything involving gay rights? Do both the remaining women recuse from anything involving women’s issues.


    So why in the WORLD would you put your hand up and say you won’t rule on anything that touches on your religious beliefs, ESPECIALLY when EVERYTHING YOU DO should be informed by your religious beliefs?

    …to me, agreeing to that ALONE disqualifies her. Who says they will set aside something they claim is central to who they are? Does Ilhan do that? Does Tlaib? Does Keith Ellison? No?


    …please pass, Mr. President.


  8. AA

    Done some research the last 45min.
    I’m a conservative Rony Dem, Sarah P Rep. Have been conservative for 60 years.

    You now know my bias

    IMHO Barbara Lagoa is much better. The best of the women named; by far.

    I think they all would be better than John Roberts! But Earl Warren was better than Roberts!
    Earl was a much better Gov than the guys in Sacto the last 15 years!

  9. If she is presented for a confirmation vote, I think just a very few Republicans will vote no, because of religion. If nothing else, that could be the ‘reason’ for their voting as they did. (a very convenient excuse) Specifically why, I’ll leave that aside and just say I think there will be some that find her not acceptable, and the vote will not be affirmative. And then there is not time to present a second nominee, so- no 9th Justice, which is exactly what dnc wants. Then a tie SC vote for any election cases, and harris becomes president next year after biden steps down, or pelosi becomes fuhrer.
    I probably agree with her on many things, but I don’t think she is the right person.

  10. All the focus this week has been on Barrett, including a visit to the White House. It could be classic Trump misdirection and trolling. The left is loading their guns, and doing their research on Barrett to torpedo her nomination. I predict that Saturday, DJT names Lagoa as the nominee.

  11. TonyR — that’s what I’m hoping for, too. He told us quite a few times that he doesn’t like to telegraph his decisions and become predictable. I hope this is a classic Trump move.

    If it was really this easy to find stuff on Barrett, it must be common knowledge among the WH staff.

  12. Does anyone have a link that specifically quotes Barrett as saying anything about the possibility of recusal from her, on anything?

    This sounds like something fomented by a detractor to create dissent and mistrust. If true, yes, this would be disconcerting, but wild crazy shit is said all the time on the internet.

  13. Why does most everyone assume it will be her? The president and the republican party know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if a conservative justice isnt seated before the election we are screwed. Donald has had 3 years to whittle out his stragegery knowing the old gal would croak. He always fakes with his left then kaboom, out go the lights….

    As i said earlier, i am confident in whomever he picks.

  14. It really doesn’t matter.

    The left will run this country whoever is picked for anything or any office.

    There is as much chance that elected or appointed republicans will stop them from running the country as there is that Trump will, oh, say, not let Fauci the Clintonite lock down the country.

    Hoping that a republican is going to stop them from anything is like hoping gov’t will get smaller. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.

  15. Mike Lee would be my very last pick for the reasons BB cited, above.

    And for xxx: Nothing is impossible. We’re just getting started. After 7 intense decades of managed decline, and with this gnarly boil showing signs of bursting, it will take a while for clean-up, cutting out the necrotic tissue and full healing. Never say never.

    As Scott Adams recently said: The Revolutionary War, air flight, landing on the moon, going to Mars, was “impossible.” When Americans are confronted with “impossible”, we say, “Here. Hold my beer.”

  16. @Abigail Adams – late to the debate but who would YOU choose?? Just askin’?

    I would choose Sydney Powell IF she was available…

    She’s a real chic, and that is the ‘standard’ for this particular pick, and well qualified!!

  17. Newt Gingrich On The Supreme Court Judge To Replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg Before The Election.
    The Eric Metaxas Radio Show •Sep 21, 2020

    [Preceded by an update on the FNC Outnumbered George Soros awkwardness nonsense – the bottom line is Newt states he later checked with FNC management, and was told there is no network policy against discussing Soros’s activities.] + advantages of Trump as president & advantages of other outsiders within the GOP. And Trump’s attempt at reeducating the Bill Kristols of the world.

    Jump to 16:20 for the discussion of replacing RBG.
    Mistreatment of Kavanaugh & other democrat bad behavior during the hearing is part of what’s driving the current process.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0xHUL8Xsvg&feature=emb_rel_end .

  18. ghost — Powell would be a great choice. I hadn’t thought about it. I guess I’m with Charle WalksonWater — I was good with any of those Trump would pick, except I was very curious about Barrett’s background and now I hope he picks the gal down in Florida — Lagoa. I’d hate to think this will be his last nominee. I don’t think it will be.

  19. I knew it! This has been my take on Barrett all along. Also, she seems ditsy. Did anyone notice how unkept she looked at the Kavanagh hearing – her hair was a mess.
    Seems she’s got too many personal priorities that might be too overwhelming for her to be a focused conservative Supreme Court justice.

    BTW. Wrote this on another thead earlier;

    SEPTEMBER 20, 2020 AT 4:43 PM
    “Nope. She’s a female Roberts. President Trump is awesome, but let’s face it, he’s a centrist,not a solid conservative.
    He gravitates towards liberal judges. There won’t be any Scalia type judges on the Supreme Court under his administration – only by some miracle will that happen.”

    I’m praying President Trump proves me wrong this Saturday. Kind of doubt it.

    Also, hey there, a o exjaread. Abigail Adams just provided the proof you asked me for. Very timely, too.

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