The left are scum – IOTW Report

The left are scum

Can’t win the electoral college? Abolish it.

Republican president? Try to reduce presidential powers.

Democrat president? Expand presidential powers.

Your fossil on the Supreme Court doesn’t make it to the next election? Introduce a bill to set SCOTUS term limits.

So childish and transparent. Can’t win? Change the rules.

Democrats Prepare Bill Limiting U.S. Supreme Court Justice Terms To 18 Years.


 Democrats in of the House of Representatives will introduce a bill next week to limit the tenure of U.S. Supreme Court justices to 18 years from current lifetime appointments, in a bid to reduce partisan warring over vacancies and preserve the court’s legitimacy.

The new bill, seen by Reuters, would allow every president to nominate two justices per four-year term and comes amid heightened political tensions as Republican President Donald Trump prepares to announce his third pick for the Supreme Court after the death on Sept. 18 of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, with just 40 days to go until the Nov. 3 election.


18 Comments on The left are scum

  1. When the new rules don’t fit their plans they will change them back. What a bunch of babies!
    They are beginning to see they are losing ground fast and the only way to keep from going extinct is to rig the game!

  2. They could be scum bags and you know that a scum bag is a used rubber. Disposable just like everything the democraps do or stand for, babies are disposable, blacks and other minorities (the exception being muzzies) are disposable, anyone who disagrees with them is a deplorable and disposable as well. Only the right people who belong to the Borg and fall for the group think of the left are not disposable until the purges come like they did with Stalin.

  3. With such contempt for The Constitution and all the trappings of representative government, and with allies like the MSM, Hollywood, Big Tech, social media, academia, the NBA, the NFL, and a still untapped coterie of disaffected college kids who are too dumb or too lazy to get real jobs and actually contribute to society, why wouldn’t they try a Stalinist type take over?

    And with the threat that they will burn it all to the ground if they don’t get their way, the actual number of folks willing to stop them, by force if necessary, diminishes by the day.

  4. Good, I want term limits. Judicial term limits and Congressional term limits. And yes, the left are scum. But I feel like that is an insult against scum. Scum actually has a purpose.

  5. @Brad

    Yep, revcoms – professional revolutionaries.

    I was reading some of their on-line articles a while ago. While they support voting for Biden, they just see that as a way to get rid of Trump. They do not in any way see the Democrats delivering socialism/communism – in fact they see the dems as supporting the US “capitalist-imperialist” economic system.

    As I see it, these revcoms want to take over and lead the rioters and provide them leadership for the real objective – not just to riot and burn down buildings, but to a full communist revolution and takeover. They don’t give a crap about Biden or the democrat party.

  6. On it’s face, I support the bill for term limits on the SCOTUS. The devil may be in the details but right now there is no process that I am aware of to remove the senile, feeble, demented, etc. A lifetime appointment is in my opinion not in the best interests of the nation.

    Having said the above, any change along these lines should be implemented across the board. Term limits should be put in place for Congress as well.

  7. I should have read through further before posting. I would be in favor of a bill solely dealing with term limits not with all the other BS they want to lump in along with it. Just wanted to clarify my position.

    I was multi-tasking as I posted. A bear walked across our street and then walked through our shrubbery in the middle of the night. Our security camera caught it. I was trying to capture pictures and save video of it. It’s known that we have bears in the area but this is the first one that was this close for us.

  8. How’s Harry Reid’s “Nuclear Option” working out for you? Seems everything the Democrats try blows up in their faces. You would think they would learn one day, and just try to govern with Republicans instead of fighting them every damn step of the way as if we were the enemy.


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