Lori Lightfoot’s “Census Cowboy” Charged With Animal Cruelty – IOTW Report

Lori Lightfoot’s “Census Cowboy” Charged With Animal Cruelty


A Chicago man who was cast by Mayor Lori Lightfoot as the “Census Cowboy” whipped and kicked his exhausted and injured horse to make it continue running down the Dan Ryan Expressway on Monday afternoon, prosecutors say. The horse, named NuNu, is in critical condition and may have to be destroyed, according to allegations made during a bond hearing today.

Assistant State’s Attorney Kevin Deboni said Adam Hollingsworth’s horse was not equipped with shoes when he took it “trotting for miles” in a “Kids’ Lives Matter” protest, injuring the horse’s legs and feet. More

12 Comments on Lori Lightfoot’s “Census Cowboy” Charged With Animal Cruelty

  1. Lori Lightfoot? Complaining about a horse (don’t get me wrong, abuse of an animal is cruel and should be punished)? Isn’t she the same person who pretty much proclaimed that “peaceful protestors” could do whatever they want to the police?
    Take a flying leap, and don’t expect me to ever pass through your city.

  2. That poor animal. Is there anything democrats won’t turn to shit with their goddamn selfishness, stupidity, and foolishness? The poor horse didn’t even have shoes on. That means its hooves split. That means it was in terrible pain its last few hours of life.

    Fuck you democrats. You are fucking scum.

  3. Insensitivity is the hallmark of the “compassionate”

    Immorality is the hallmark of the “moral”

    Ignorance id the hallmark of the “enlightened”

    Everything Demonrats claim they are is a lie, a lie from Satan himself.

    Everything they say and do is in service to Satan. There is no concern for man or beast in their view as long as their end is achieved.

    I have said it here many times, when your start point is dismembering innocent life in the womb all other forms of cruelty are tolerable.

  4. People that abuse animals rate a special place in hell.

    Running a shoeless horse on concrete? Unreal. I have several friends that own horses who would give that asshole a day he’d never forget.

  5. The article is not telling the whole story.

    He is also known as “The Dread Head Cowboy”
    There are other articles where he says, “Yes I’d Do It Again”.

    Read: Chicago’s wttw PBS news where he claimed “the treatment of horses elsewhere is far worse”
    He acknowledged that the horse was bleeding and said that he was protesting against the number of kids killed in Chicago for #kidslivesmatter.
    He has been in jail before as per his own admission.

    My 2 cents:
    I think he he lost his shit, got lost in his cowboy persona, and quite possibly does not really know much about horses.
    7.5 miles over pushed the animal and even I know concrete without shoes is extremely bad.

    If this guy was a Honkie, the mob would have killed him already.

    Lightfoot and democrats inaction are responsible in great part for the kids deaths.
    Toronto is following suit since our Mayor JOHN TORY outlawed Carding (Canadian stop & frisk)

    Liberals have exchanged the lives of Black Kids based on political correctness and also activists that are SPONSORED BY THE DRUG GANGS ASSOCIATES.

  6. I truly despise liberals! They are pure evil! From babies to animals. Lightweight should ride his back on pavement to match what that poor horse went through. He doesn’t care about the animal only himself!


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