O’Keefe Uncovers Ballot Harvesting Voter Fraud Connected to Ilhan Omar – IOTW Report

O’Keefe Uncovers Ballot Harvesting Voter Fraud Connected to Ilhan Omar

The president secretly acknowledges Project Veritas —

12 Comments on O’Keefe Uncovers Ballot Harvesting Voter Fraud Connected to Ilhan Omar

  1. OK, the hammer is coming down now…..Here is what pisses me off so much. I’ve always been an optimistic, citizen. We’ve gotten to the point of seeing so much outrageous lawbreaking that nothing is new or unexpected. The only thing that is unexpected is if the bad guys are brought to justice. What the hell is left for people like us to do? Do we walk the streets with clever signs? I’m getting pretty damn frustrated.

  2. These POS skinnys, brought here by Obama to do exactly what they are dpoing; ruining our country. They do this with impunity, because they know they will never be arrested, let alone tried and convicted, because of their race. I feel the same as Joe6Pack. Frustrating beyond belief.

  3. First you tell me that James Comey lied and now you tell me that there’s some sort of voter fraud or corruption with politicians, specifically the Democrats???

    I just don’t know what to say I’m so shocked.

    The next thing you know, you’ll be telling me that most of Washington DC has been unhelpful with President Trump.

  4. Barr was called out with such obvious evidence he has to do something. No question.

    Moving fast on this will destroy the democrat party and free the Minnesotans from tyranny/despots/thieves

    Its really sad, sad, sad, that a citizen journo has to do this and not the FBI

  5. Every time I read one of these “exposed” Undercover operation illegal findings. I never seem to read to where the exposed illegal operations / acts resulted in Criminal charges.

    Just the occasional House or Senate hearings that never see DOJ criminal actions.

    Is it a Political battle for Votes and blackmail power, or a crusade for Justice?

    Don’t get me wrong, what his group is doing is a great help in exposing these evil people.

    It is the Federal Justice System that needs to get off its under-exercised rear ends or further lose credibility as the champions of Equal Justice.

  6. Every state house and county courthouse should have a large oak tree, and hanging from this tree should be a stout rope. Any miscreant that is proven to have manipulated the popular vote should be hung from the tree publicly. A few of these displays should bring this shit to a screeching halt. The demons are playing hardball ladies and gentlemen, we had better toughen up quick.

  7. Laws mean nothing if they are not enforced. Laws mean if everything if they are enforced.

    Riot and loot with 10,000 of your closest friends squeezing through the broken glass door together? It’s all good!

    Sitting outside 15 feet away from everybody at a high school football game or surfing at the beach without a mask on? Get tased and dragged away.


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