Australian 60 Minutes Does Earnest Profile On Tara Reade – American Media Will Not – IOTW Report

Australian 60 Minutes Does Earnest Profile On Tara Reade – American Media Will Not

ht/ quinn

18 Comments on Australian 60 Minutes Does Earnest Profile On Tara Reade – American Media Will Not

  1. Lionel says Joe was accused of forcibly penetrating Tara Reade digitally, and that considering how locked in the past Biden is, that it’s probably the only digital experience he’s ever had.

  2. I like how they have to legitimize themselves at the network by bringing on scaradouchi and Trump accusations. What did that have to do with Tara Reade?
    Nice try, anyway.

    Nice of Tara’s ‘friend’ to still find it necessary to vote for Finger Joe.
    I don’t think Tara has any friends anymore.

  3. You know what’s gross? The parents of the kids he felt up didn’t say anything. Like while on camera. I can’t imagine the shit he tries when no cameras are around.

    And there is no reason for him to put his hand 6 inches above a woman’s waist.

  4. When you see the video of Biden and the children, it makes me dispise Jill Biden as well. She should have stopped that behavior years ago. It reminds me of when when you hear a young girl who was molested by a step-father or live-in boyfriend and the Mother knew but didn’t do anything for fear of losing her man.

  5. I think it’s important, in our media induced racially charged environment, to learn a bit about Joe’s history as a senator in the early 90s. His crime bills were written specifically targeting blacks and ripping apart vulnerable families for a generation. Joe is a disgusting hardcore racist. – Watch this for the background. Skip to 4:00 to hear him, in his own words, talk about his crime bill. Pay attention to his use of the word “they” in the video – he is referring specifically to blacks.

  6. For some reason 60’Minutes Australia is willing to cover controversial subjects and do real journalism.
    – if the US version of 60 Minutes would do the same I would regain a little respect for the media in this country.
    As it is, I despise the media.

  7. ecp – So goes the bluff and bluster of Jackass Joe. He said some pretty interesting things and quite convincingly, but some 30 years later we see the real Jackass Joe as a womanizing, sick old bastard who is on the take with untold millions of dollars from the ChiComs with a perverted no morals, drug-addict son as proof that the road apple doesn’t fall far from the horse’s ass! One can only wonder what kind of conversations he must have had with the Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd!

  8. MJA, it’s ironic that the biggest fraidy cat in DC, Jeff Sessions, is the only one who’s ever slapped The Toucher’s hand away from his grandchild. But if Sessions knew about Joe, they all did in DC.

  9. I think they’re foreshadowing. They know Joe is toast, they need to have an excuse for the world as to why he lost, and they have to appear as if they fully covered the Tara Reade allegations. Even if they went to the other side of the world to cover the story. Also, there must be another horrendous sex predator story about Joe which is about to break.


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