Senator Ron Johnson Declares He’ll Wear “moon suit” To Vote For Amy Coney Barrett – IOTW Report

Senator Ron Johnson Declares He’ll Wear “moon suit” To Vote For Amy Coney Barrett

Chicago Tribune

Shuttered by COVID-19 infections, the Republican-led Senate is refusing to delay confirmation of President Donald Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court. They are even willing to make special arrangements so sick senators can vote for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, and Democrats appear powerless to stop them.

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said Monday that he’ll go to the Capitol “in a moon suit” to vote if he’s still testing positive for the coronavirus, which has killed more than 209,000 Americans and infected millions. More

11 Comments on Senator Ron Johnson Declares He’ll Wear “moon suit” To Vote For Amy Coney Barrett

  1. Here’s something to ponder, and correct me if I’m wrong.
    All these key Trump administration people, including PDJT, with WuHuFlu will be immune and unable to transmit the dreaded virus, right??
    That leaves them to do, pretty much anything, go anywhere, see anyone, without a mask, as close as they want, without risk to anyone (except democrats running for offi).
    I was overjoyed when our president came down with it, not because it might have killed him, but because he is now free to do what needs to be done as soon as the quarantine is over.
    I was also extremely pleased when he told people to not fear it and go on about your business.
    Convince me I’m wrong.

  2. The way I read it is that he has Covid & if necessary, to keep others from getting it, he’ll wear the suit so he can show uo to vote Yea; IOW doing what it takes to confirm vs showboating or protesting.

  3. “which has killed more than 209,000 Americans…”

    The Trib like the rest of the MSM needs to learn the difference between ‘died WITH corona’ and ‘died FROM corona’.


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