Dem Senate Candidate For North Carolina Tells Mistress She’s “historically sexy” – IOTW Report

Dem Senate Candidate For North Carolina Tells Mistress She’s “historically sexy”

Washington Free Beacon

Cal Cunningham was Schumer’s handpicked candidate to run for Senate in North Carolina. Reports indicated Schumer’s ideal candidate to challenge incumbent senator Thom Tillis (R., N.C.) would be as boring as possible and spend the entire campaign “in a windowless basement raising money” for “negative ads about Tillis.”

Apparently, Schumer forgot to throw in a prohibition on sexting side chicks because Cunningham—a married father of two—was recently caught exchanging flirty messages with a married woman in California. In fairness to Cunningham, the sexts themselves are rather boring, especially compared with the antics of the Democratic Party’s more prominent philanderers. More

16 Comments on Dem Senate Candidate For North Carolina Tells Mistress She’s “historically sexy”

  1. Cal Cunningham is a very well educated man. He probably took a lot of history classes along with all those other things future failed political candidates take in college. There’s a report out from North Carolina that Cunningham’s mistress has nude photos of the future failed political candidate, and that they spent a week together in his future ex-wife’s former family home. The mistress evidently felt “funny” romping around in the marital bed, because she’s such a classy side piece. It gets better. There’s another long-time, local mistress who’s entered the race for who’s the most “historically sexy” woman in Cal Cunningham’s “historically stupid” campaign to become Thom Tillis’ replacement in the United States Senate. Cunningham must have studied at the John Edwards’ School of Mistress Management to get this “historically stupid.”

  2. …I think the “historically sexy” thing is a combination of arrested development and profession conceit.

    …see, when a young fireman woos a lady, he might say in a letter with the cheeziness only young love excuses something that works his profession into it too in an attempt to impress in a mawkish way, like “I’m burning for you, because you light my fire and make me hot”, or a young LEO may say, in all corniness to his inamorata, “You’ve arrested my heart, lock me up in your love jail and sentence me to life with you”, or a young garbage man may tell his intended, “I’m down in the dumps without you”.

    Operative word, “YOUNG”.

    …it could be cute in its corn between YOUNG lovers with high hormones and low standards who are in love anyway and just starting to explore going down life’s path together, but each passing decade shifts the slider away from “cute” and into “creepy” and THIS guy’s age pins it firmly to the “creepy” side.

    Add to that the fact that they are BOTH cheating spouses, it’s then totally NOT cute and just creepy AND sad.

    …but the profession conceit is in what a politician thinks of HIMSELF. EVERY politician thinks his every fart is “historic” or “making history” just because a fawning media makes them think it’s so, which is where the “historical” comes from. In his arrested development that is ALSO endemic to whole-life coddled political scions, he’s elevating her in his warped mind to the “status” of a Marie Antoinette or a Cleopatra or a Livia Drusilla, inviting her to be classed with those historically noted cheating women by hitching her star to such an august political figure such as his conceited self.

    It’s really very creepy and wrong and sad all at once, when you think of it like that.

    And what’s even creepier, wronger, and sadder is the fact that at least HALF our countrymen would STILL elect him, because they hate our President and us SO much, that literally NOTHING else matters…


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