Is there a more loathsome group of people than the White House press corps? – IOTW Report

Is there a more loathsome group of people than the White House press corps?


Well, there is Antifa, the violent arm of BLM, the Muslim Brotherhood, et al., but for what is supposed to be an assemblage of professional, objective journalists, this White House press corps is about as mature as a clique of mean girls in any middle school.

They are as politically deluded as Baghdad Bob, pathetically self-important, ridiculously overly impressed with their own positions of power and influence, and as malicious as Shakespeare’s Iago.  When they do not get their way, they act out like toddlers in the throes of a tantrum.  This has all been true since Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president.  In their view, so presumptuous was his foolish attempt to be president that they set out to sabotage him from moment one, to utterly destroy him by any means necessary.

The long list of their failures in this endeavor is legion and would be humorous if it were a Dickens novel, but it is the White House press corps!  While their glee at the news that Trump had contracted COVID was shameful, their hysteria over his brief ride in The Beast to wave to supporters outside the hospital, their abject fury at his being released from Walter Reed today, was beyond redemption.  These people are seriously mentally ill.  They wanted him to die, and he didn’t. 

For example, the New York Times’ Maureen Dowd says Walter Reed’s reputation is in tatters for successfully treating the president.  The WaPo’s Jennifer Rubin wants to defund the military hospital.  The always odious Jim Acosta of CNN now refers to the president as “coronavirus in chief” and slammed him for taking off his mask on the White House balcony, easily a hundred feet from anyone.  Chris Hayes of the always-loony MSNBC said Trump’s video urging people not to let fear of the virus dominate our lives was going to “absolutely get people killed.”  The ignorant Joy Reid of MSNBC, like Michael Moore, accused the president of faking the illness.  Joy Behar shrieked that Mike Pence should be sprayed with insecticide before his debate with Kamala Harris on Wednesday.  CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta accused the White House of purposefully “hiding things” from the public.  CNN’s “doctors” have made complete fools of themselves trying to do that outlet’s anti-Trump bidding.  Jake Tapper and Chris Cuomo both beclowned themselves, each of them presuming to know more than the doctors treating the president.  They were angry that he was recovering in just a few days.  more

h/t systemically confused

12 Comments on Is there a more loathsome group of people than the White House press corps?

  1. I am at a loss as to why these “press” liars briefings with questions continue. I see no benefits. Just announce the latest WH decisions over a loud speaker in a cheap hotel room the size of a walk in closet with no chairs.
    Make the lefty propagandist oinkers squeal.

  2. I was just watching the DOJ national security presser called for 11am today. (Indictments for ISIS thugs for killing 4 people, including Kayla Mueller.) It was extremely hard to watch as it reminded me of Rick Moranis at the podium doing a SNL skit. Very emotionless and lame. (BTW, am glad they got the bastards.)

  3. Have you seen that video of some clown from CNN fending of a raccoon on the WH grounds in the dark of night? These skeevy stalkers make the paparazzi look respectable.

    Stay. Out. Da Bushes, you creeps! Isn’t there some pre-dawn FBI raid you’re supposed to be covering?

  4. OT, or maybe not since the press are probably pedos too, but this is good news for anyone who thinks Netflix needs to be called on pandering child pornography…

    “Netflix faces criminal charges over Cuties amid claims the movie sexually exploits its young actresses.

    The streaming giant was indicted by a grand jury in Tyler County, Texas, according to state lawmaker Matt Schaefer who posted court papers on Twitter.

    The indictment states that Netflix has been charged with “promoting material in Cuties film which depicts lewd exhibition of pubic area of a clothed or partially clothed child who was younger than 18 yrs of age which appeals to the prurient interest in sex”.

    God Bless Texas.

    The indictment also states that the movie did not hold any “literary, artistic, political or scientific value”.”

    …may they be jailed and raped by Bubba briefly on their way to their execution…

  5. “…but for what is supposed to be an assemblage of professional, objective journalists…”

    uhh, when exactly was that? As long as I’ve watched these shitshows, the dems get tongue bathes and Rs get mini-Inqusitions.

    I’m with John, just announce what the WH believes is important and be done with it. I like the pressers the President gives to and fro to his helo. We don’t see their obnoxious faces, it’s rapid fire and the President doesn’t pull his punches.

  6. Vice President Pence and the debate crew are more likely to contract herpes from Kamala Harris than she contracting COVID from any of them.
    Mr. Pence, the debate staff and moderator should demand she be encased in a body condom before taking the podium.

  7. The WH spokeswoman should only respond in the form of questions that were asked of Obama.

    WH CNN apparatchik: Has Trump bEeN oN OxYgEn!!!! Why DiD hE tHrEAtEn tHe LiVeS oF the SeCrEt sErViCe!!!!!

    McEnany: I can only say blueberry. He like blueberry syrup on his pancakes.

    Joe Biden used locked these mofos in closets with guards on the doors not long ago.

  8. They are the front line in the war against Trump. anything he says, any way he looks, anything anyone says that can be spun against him they grab onto it and report to their cohorts.
    Spin city 24/7! Look he cringed, look he coughed, look he looks tired! If they followed me around they would say I had one foot in the grave and I feel fine.


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