New Mexico Democrat Candidate Acknowledges His Porn Film Past – IOTW Report

New Mexico Democrat Candidate Acknowledges His Porn Film Past

Conservative Brief:
Roger Montoya, a Northern New Mexico Democrat who is running for the state House of Representatives, confirmed Monday he appeared in pornographic films when he was a college student nearly four decades ago.

“I am not proud of that choice, as I was young and naïve,” Montoya said in a statement posted on his campaign’s Facebook page. “But those experiences helped me to understand the exploitation young people face.”

Montoya’s past work in pornography was first reported last week by the Piñon Post, a conservative online news organization that said Montoya appeared to engage in “unprotected sex in multiple gay films” under the names “Joe Savage” or “Eric Martinez.” read more

24 Comments on New Mexico Democrat Candidate Acknowledges His Porn Film Past

  1. …seriously, that guy’s mug looks cadaverous. There’s something wrong with him, some opportunistic infection jumping in on his AIDS, some sort of bowel disorder, or maybe even tuberculosis if he were a bit more rashy and coughy…

  2. Txn4Evr
    OCTOBER 8, 2020 AT 8:22 AM
    “I swear to God, every one of these democrats are nuts!”

    …as manifested by what they DO with nutz, theirs…or someone ELSE’S…

  3. Txn4Evr,

    “…We should hunt them with dogs.”

    No need to use dogs. These sick f_cks are vocal, in your face and extremely proud of their perversion. They should, however, be put down like rabid animals.


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