Nobel Peace Prize Goes To UN World Food Programme – IOTW Report

Nobel Peace Prize Goes To UN World Food Programme


The United Nations’ World Food Programme on Friday won the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to combat hunger and food insecurity around the globe.

The announcement was made in Oslo by Berit Reiss-Andersen, the chair of the Nobel Committee. More

Hmmm. I thought these prizes are only awarded to people who stop wars? – BFH

21 Comments on Nobel Peace Prize Goes To UN World Food Programme

  1. LOL They gave a UN organization a Nobel Peace Prize LOL I can’t stop laughing not that I thought it was a noble prize with past recipients like Al Gore and Obama. Are the “blue helmets” still having their violent rapey fun times?

  2. From Me, A wop Italian;

    The Italians figure, “Feed them over there so that they don’t come over here.”

    And the world figures, “Anyone but Trump…”

    What a fucking joke!

  3. The No Bell Piece Prize, a sodden paper mache’ pinata filled with moldy pieces of 20 year old dog biscuit, a “prize” that has been meaningless for many many years. Who needs it?

  4. So who is going to actually receive the price? Will it be a UN peacekeeper who exchanged sex from woman and children refugees for food? That is the only thing I’ve heard about the Un peacekeepers. Okay they did bring cholera to Haiti, but that wasn’t on purpose.

  5. …the food insecurities are mostly the products of Communists and Muslims trying to starve troublesome populations to death, something you actually COULD fix with the UN, but ONLY if the UN were willing to shoot Communists and Muslims…

  6. Hmmm. I thought these prizes are only awarded to people who stop wars? – BFH

    Nope. They’re awarded to people/programs that haven’t done ANYTHING!

    Exhibit A – $#!+bama

    Exhibit B – there are STILL hungry people in the world! πŸ™„

  7. How do they merit such a thing?
    This year, up to 200 million people will starve to death, worldwide. That number isnt a ‘bidenism,[ it is real. If they were good at what they were given an award for, that would not happen, but it will. And it will drive mass migration. We’re not ‘progressing’ when it comes to preparation for these types of thing. Even the Egyptians and the Inca took measures to avoid such things. Maybe if they read about Joseph in the Bible, they might have caught a clue, but we all know that never will happen.
    I’m just so very thankful that the whitmer witch of michigan had the foresight to ban the purchase and planting of seeds this past spring. She really knows how to help, doesn’t she. Give her the ‘kick in the ass’ prize, please.


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