Moron of the Day – JOSÉ RAMOS-HORTA – IOTW Report

Moron of the Day – JOSÉ RAMOS-HORTA

What a fifthwit.

“I’m a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. I’ve Seldom Seen a Less Deserving Nominee Than Trump.”

Here are just a couple of reasons for his asinine assertion-

-Donald Trump has equated all protesters with “violent mobs” and “anarchists,” and has celebrated those who brandish weapons against peaceful protesters.

Really? When did he do that? I seem to recall after Charlottesville he said there were “very fine people on both sides.” The left said he said that (even though they left out the part where he said he wasn’t talking about White Nationalists, and they should be condemned totally.)

So, taking the left at its word, Trump said there were very fine people protesting on the left.

So how is he equating “all protesters with “violent mobs”?

-The language he uses toward any who oppose him is mockery, denigration, and at times, twisted facts and falsehoods uttered to ignite the baser and even violent natures of his audience.

Do you think, Horta, that maybe you would deserve a little mockery for twisting facts and spreading falsehoods and denigrating? I think so. And if it makes you feel any smugger, ya, I feel like smacking you around.

He gives thinly veiled support to violent White Supremacy extremists. 

We’ll be needing an example or two on this idiotic claim. And it can’t be a “dog whistle,” because it seems the left is finely tuned into this frequency that no one else can hear.

-As for humility, he states that he has accomplished more than any other President in the history of his nation.

Well, how can Trump be humble with the likes of pukes such as yourself who wouldn’t give him credit for any accomplishment?

Want an example or two?

When the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded for peace accords, it has been for bringing peace between countries or parties at war.

Ummmm, where was your editorial when Obama won his award for his

“extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people”?

And you have the balls to dismiss the thawing between Kosovo and Serbia as “just a trade deal”?

Did Obama ever do anything of the sort?

The second nomination was for an “historic peace deal” in which the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain formally recognized Israel. While this is certainly a plus for Israel, neither the UAE nor Bahrain has ever been at war with Israel.

Horta, you asswipe, these are two Arab nations who have stated that they won’t push Israel into the sea. They didn’t need to be lobbing bombs for this to be a peace deal, schmuck. In the case of the UAE, they were instrumental in funding efforts to destroy Israel.

I’m done with this guy.

12 Comments on Moron of the Day – JOSÉ RAMOS-HORTA

  1. Just another left wing darling winning a prize in a quiet year. Newsweek itself used to be a front line news magazine but fell so far that it was sold for a dollar and debt to a stereo manufacturer for his wife to play with and was then merged with the “Daily Beast” for a real leftwing circle-jerk. It’s now owned by IBT a leftish rag that is anti Trump. Such a shame to see a grand old girl like Newsweek tuned into an old whore blowing for nickels.

  2. As if we should care about the opinion of a ole leftist social democrat that once governed E. Timor, a country that is just slightly larger than the state of Massachusetts.

    Besides I think the value of membership in a club that has Jose Ramos-horta and Barack Obama as members is not the honor it may have once been. Barack still can’t explain why he was given the prize, it wasn’t for doing anything peaceful.

    If Jose Ramos-horta has never seen a less deserving nominee, he must have proactively avoided looking at Barry Obama.


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