Flashback- Biden Was a Disrespectful Schmuck in the Paul Ryan Debate – IOTW Report

Flashback- Biden Was a Disrespectful Schmuck in the Paul Ryan Debate

See if you can get anywhere near the end of this without wanting to cause Biden to shit his dentures tomorrow…

But there’s something uniquely wrong with Trump’s demeanor. Okay.


ht/ woody

9 Comments on Flashback- Biden Was a Disrespectful Schmuck in the Paul Ryan Debate

  1. A great example of why I’ve call him Jackass Joe! This grinning imbecile thinks everything is hysterically funny while acting like an arrogant assistant manager of a used car lot with the split personality of a drunken, Tourettes-addled Winnebago man working with the mental agility of Karl Childers. Mmmmm, Mmmmm… them french fried pertaters are a big fuckin deal! Whutta complete Asshole!

  2. In a just world, Ryan would have bitch slapped that condescending smug smile off Biteme’s face. But alas, the world is not just, and Ryan is a pussy – and the rest is history. God bless Donald J. Trump to do what Paul Ryan and others should have done years ago.

  3. Three recent examples of these freaks of nature doing what they do. That stupid woman running against Ernst; Harris and Biden. Honestly? Even if they won’t admit it because they’re rooting for someone to take all their God-given freedoms away, people know what the face of contempt looks like. It’s not arrogance, it’s an amazing display of utter insecurity and an indisputable certainty that they got nuthin’ with which to rebut the obvious, simple facts.

    Paul Ryan is a butthead who cost us more than the first half of Trump’s 1st term and crippled the second half by losing the House to the the Communists.

  4. If it had been me, I would have turned mid-sentence to square up with that asshole and asked him just what was so damn funny about such a serious topic. Then I would have said, “Shut up! you stupid bastard.”


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