BREAKING: Mike Pompeo Says He Has Hillary Clinton’s Deleted Emails and Will Begin Releasing Them Before Election Day (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

BREAKING: Mike Pompeo Says He Has Hillary Clinton’s Deleted Emails and Will Begin Releasing Them Before Election Day (VIDEO)

Gateway Pundit

ht/ marco

42 Comments on BREAKING: Mike Pompeo Says He Has Hillary Clinton’s Deleted Emails and Will Begin Releasing Them Before Election Day (VIDEO)

  1. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am absolutely thrilled at the prospect of finding out which Lesbian Yoga positions Huma Danger and President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton were performing on all those long flights to the Middle East to help empower the Muslim Brotherhood and get things in Libya cleared up. I’m sure they also discussed Chelsea Hubble’s wedding plans and how excited Carlos Danger was to be included in the honored guest list. She’s going to need a bigger cloth.

  2. From the link: “You will remember there was classified information on a private server. It should never have been there. Hillary Clinton should never have done that. It is unacceptable behavior.”

    No Mike, you spineless fuck, it is a Federal crime. Take at look, a glance, a mere perusal at 18 USC and it spells out exactly the felony(s) she committed. Which Comey admitted she did.

  3. Did this just happen? This may be the Trump Admin bitch slapping the deep state. Rush broke the news to Trump today that Barr was folding up the tent until after the election. Trump was not a happy man. He was pissed. Great interview in case you missed it.

  4. See, I would have brought a mail cart to each office and just started loading documents, CDs, computers, like a fucking raid. But then, I’m not the president. And motherfuckers better be glad about it.

  5. Gee, I sure hope he sends chrissy wray and the doj a copy. If they even know how to read. If he does, he should include a calendar, and tell them what it is.

  6. The ones that really need to be released now are those specifically involving Biden, Stinklosi, Shithead Schiff, No Nads Nadler, Shitmur, & Obumbles just to name a few of the major “Prog” players, to prove their corruptness. This amount alone should provide the general public with more than enough to read before the election to get those still in office hopefully voted out, so after the election, they can be indicted, locked up with no bail, tried & then sentenced to 49 years, 11 months, & 29 days for all of those involved for treason against our President & Our Country. After the election all the rest need to be released, so the rest of the crimminals can be scooped up and given the maximum sentence along the same format as above, so there will be no early releases.

  7. ghost

    I wasn’t going to listen to the Rush broadcast. I’m glad I did. A good glimpse at some behind the scenes concerns of Trump and a better insight into the man. It was great. Despite some of our fair weather Trump supporters, I’m thinking second term, fur will fly.

  8. Wait a damned minute! What if all but a few of them are Chelsea’s wedding plans and yoga lessons? It’s remotely possible that they are all fairly innocuous and very innocent. Hold that thought. My contact at the Chappaqua liquor store just got an order (actually a goddamned demand!) for six cases of Chardonnay and two cases of vodka. No need for vermouth. She’s drinking by the neck again.

  9. I can’t wait for the final debate with sleepy joe.
    Maybe President Trunp can repeat his famous line “You’ll be in jail” and now include “…and this time it’s for real!”

  10. From the article:
    “Recall, it was Judicial Watch in 2015 that blew the story wide open about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server while she was the head of the Department of State.”
    Hmmm…. Now Tom Fitton was just hired by President Trump. I’m sure this was not some cushy roll. Fitton would not have taken it unless he has some authority to get things done. This could get REALLY interesting…

  11. @Jethro: “This could get REALLY interesting…”

    No, it won’t. There is Nobody in the system in DC that will touch this. Any of this. It’s like a cop telling on his partner that just strangled a nigger, and the partner is a massive bigot too.

    The entire justice system at a national level is broken and will not repair itself. And our society will fall further from rectitude until violent disruption is enacted. Violent in this case is relative, replacing department administration is considered violent. At least by the resident administration.

  12. Here’s the deal, man: **Warning.Disjointed rant ahead.**

    At the start of 2020 the NYSE/DJI were at their highest points and poised — given the jobs outlook, trade deal w/China, USMCA, ME negotiations, flame out of ISIS, etc — to be the most AMAZING year in American history. It was going to bear the delicious fruit of POTUS Trump’s first 3 years’ efforts. It was supposed to be the year that we conservatives could sit down and rest after clawing our way to safety and off that deadly cliff we’ve been hanging onto by our literal fingernail stubs.

    This SHOULD HAVE BEEN the year that friggin’ huge drain plug was located and yanked out of the sewer known as D.C. The event should have been advertised for weeks and covered as breathlessly as Jerry Rivers’ exhumation of Capone’s vault.

    Did POTUS Trump think it was just a funny chant at ALL THOSE RALLIES? “Lock her up!” Was his response to her snide remark at the debate, “Because you’d be in jail”, just a clever zinger? Is his nickname for her, “Crooked Hillary”, just a throwaway, toothless, school yard taunt?
    In other words, at the end of the this day, is it all just phoney baloney malarky to get people all worked up and continue to feed that faint shadow of a glimmer of hope? Because I don’t find anything at all amusing about where things sit right now, today. Many, many, many people are out there — not only living their very comfortable lives, but also still actively trying to destroy yours and mine — who ought to be behind a prison wall where, by rights, they should be contemplating all the wrongs they’ve done to us and to our country, and denied the very freedoms they are working so tirelessly to take from us. And it seems the bigger the crime, the more they are emboldened to trash this country and rub our noses in it. It’s true. Too big to jail.

    Instead this is where we are:

    1. We’ve got an openly pro-Hillary pseudo scientist who has never been right about a prediction about infectious disease over the course of his entire career; a guy who can’t answer the same question with the same information twice over the course of 24 hours because he is an incompetent liar who should have NEVER been trusted.

    2. Even though there have been some spectacular gains in jobs, housing and other sectors, there have been devestating and permanent losses to small business (the very engine of capitalism) because NO ONE has drawn a red line telling us anything about Chinese Flu that is actually universally agreed upon. The WH Chinese Flu team headed by Pence hasn’t had a press conference which includes all the latest developments (research, proven science, etc.) since I don’t know when.

    3. Antifa is a domestic terrorism organization as sure as God made little green apples, and yet the DoJ (headed by POTUS) has been teasing us with calling it that for at least a year and a half! Cripes! Either it is or it isn’t! And it is! Political optics be damned.

    4. BurnLootMurder, Inc. is a blatant Democrat rebranding and continutation of Occupy/HandsUpDon’tShoot/JussieSmollet/TrayvonMartin/etal. It’s a giant money grabbing conduit for the DNC and all the Democrat candidates across the country. It’s money laundering, RICO, inciting riots and conspiracy. And the biggest name brands, including mult-billion dollar professional sports, are providing trillions in free world wide advertising to them and their Communist message.

    5. Major U.S. cities are quite literally and continually under the siege of lawless marauders who claim that burning down a business, smashing them up and stealing their merchandise if a form of peaceful protest, and Communist politicians, corporate media editors, big name film/stage/music/publishers either agree with them, ignore their existence, and/or lie for them.

    6. The most blatantly dishonest people the world has ever, ever, ever known know they cannot win an honest election. They know it. So now we are saddled with one lawsuit after another, trying to hold back their attacks on our elections. We caught them on screwing with our voting machines, so now they’re trying to screw us with mail-in voting, ballot ‘harvesting’ (whoever came up with this should just be taken out and shoved off a ten story building), pushing the vote count out days and weeks after the election, leaving POTUS Trump’s name off the ballot, mailing out ballots to known illegals, dead people and people who have either moved or never lived in their state to begin with. Commie Dem operatives are registering and stealing the votes of people in entire square blocks of cities, mailmen are dumping mail with ballots in them, and people are stealing mail out of mailboxes with ballots in them. Who is giving these obviously orchestrated bands of election thieves their marching orders? Who?! There’s a freaking pattern here, guys! C’mon. Who the hell is getting to the bottom of this bare-knuckled assault on our only legal option to reject those we don’t want running our government? Are you, too, trying to push us into a hot civil war with these people?

    7. Very handsomely compensated, Communist governors, mayors, their staff, and unelected city/town officials are waging a war against the very people who provide their salaries and against the very people who provide their security. Police are being being murdered by the scores and citizens are trapped in their homes for fear of being injured. We have “no go zones” in American towns and cities across the nation and places where you stand a good chance of being hauled out of your car and beaten into a coma or beaten to death. Communist DAs let hundreds and thousands go free for crimes that are not minor and are fully documented on video.

    8. And along those lines: What was the plan for all those felons who were released from prison over fears of Chinese Flu? How many more crimes must they commit before anyone besides their victims notice?

    There’s so much more, of course. I’m discouraged right now. The Left’s total abduction of the Democrat party requires us to kill it in its crib. There can be no accommodation, no tolerance for it here. They will never compromise or capitulate. Their worldview is entirely incompatible with the bedrock of America. They are strangers here with only one aim, the death of our country.

    This is why that very evil woman, Nancy Pelosi, is still trying to oust our duly, legally elected president and why the Communist Democrats are trying to whip everyone up to believing that he is a dictator who will not leave office if the election is honestly decided.

  13. @joesix ~ they’ve had them since the NYFBI office had Weiner’s laptop

    yeah, that long … the question is why is Pompeo threatening to divulge them & not DoJ?

    like ya said … don’t pass the ‘smell test’ … somethin’s goin’ on

  14. Molon, I agree. I’m as disgusted as I’ve ever been! Where in the hell are LEO’s that believe in our country? Why are the officials that really know something not coming forward? Good honest men and women have died for our country, and there are individuals that have extraordinarily important information that are not coming forward to help save our country. I believe it’s fear and wanting to protect themselves and their families, but damn, the greatest country the world has ever known could be going down because of the Enemies Within!

    Damn it, joe6pak, not some anonymous.


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