Our Manly President – IOTW Report

Our Manly President

ht/ kpark

14 Comments on Our Manly President

  1. We’re gonna do things to you that have never been done before

    How about wave after wave of B-52s each carrying its max bomb load of 35 tons but consisting of containers full of offal and manure from our beautiful hog farms, focusing on Mecca and especially the Kaaba.

    Then nuke the cleanup crews.

  2. How about hiring people who will follow the law and prosecuting the politicians in office who are BREAKING THE LAW and openly committing treason – a lot of them on VIDEO seen on the internet. How much f’n proof do you need???

    How many Constitutional laws has Newsome in CA broken, as an example – who keeps on keeping on like a third world dictator? Why is he allowed to continue without consequences? And if the “authorities” cannot uphold the law in Portland, or Seattle or wherever – they need to be removed from office and call in the National Guard.

    Our taxes are supposed to be paying for law and order and keeping the peace – when they fail – they need to be replaced because they are not doing their job!!!

  3. Gladys — Thank you for all the typing you’re doing for me today!!

    With you 1000%. We’ve got bigger fish to fry RIGHT HERE in our own midst!

    It’s like a freakin’ game of musical chairs where the music never stops! Or where two or more people claim the same chair, and suddenly those rules are just fine, too!

  4. Sign of the times, Abigail. The Federal Government is broken.

    If he wins, he has exactly one term to clean it out and convince good people to come in and help run it.

    If he loses, our civilized lifestyle us over.

  5. No DOJ Report . Promises Promises you”ll be dead and buried before that report surfaces. Wait May , Sept was it 2017-18-19 not 20 BS💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

  6. Just get a tip that all the Iranian politicians and mullahs are in the same building, and drop a few hypersonic missiles on them, and liberate the rest of the Iranians.

    All you see are the crazies in that country. Imagine if all the Iranians see of America are democrat voters, their pride parades and sickness, they’d not like us very much either….and they don’t they are right, The Great (democrat) Satan indeed!


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