He’d Be 80 Years-Old Today – IOTW Report

He’d Be 80 Years-Old Today

33 Comments on He’d Be 80 Years-Old Today

  1. Probably one of my favorite Lennon songs is “Yes It Is”.
    After the Beatles broke up, George was my favorite and proved to be, at least to me, the most talented.

  2. @MJA ~ that’s setting the bar a bit low … lol
    @Extirpates ~ none of the Beatles were better afterwards … a ‘sum of the parts’ thing … it all came together at the right time & place (& I agree w/ you about George … smartest one too)

    @BFH ~ new thread: what are your favorite Lennon songs?

  3. @ghost ~ lol … use that quote often

    actually found a juke-box edition 45 RPM of Lennon’s “Woman” at the local Thrift Store (forgot what was on the flip-side … gotta dig it out) … probably worth at least a buck & a quarter (paid 50 cents for it … so a wise investment om my part 😉 )

  4. Super Toe, Yes, Lennon was great on Yes it is
    Yes it is perhaps my favorite also
    I’d forgotten all about it as I gave all my albums away long ago

    or most of them

    still have Sgt. Pepper, and maybe one other

    Lennon was smart enough to become conservative and perhaps would realize Global Warming is hoax that it is

    That Boy is good too

  5. Great songwriter when surrounded by competition. Pretty much sucked with his Hiroshima Honey. I thought he was just starting to return to some decent music when he got wasted.

    Who knows? Young men who lived less than Lennon did produced far more influential music. Perhaps Lennon May have amazed us in his later years.

  6. J.L. couldn’t face staying that long. He had to get away from Yoko Ono. Permanently.

    I’m thinking it might be possible Sen. Mazie Hirono is a relative of Yoko, and is really Mazie Ono. Both make the world suffer by emitting equally annoying noises.

  7. It’s so strange that those first albums with the Beatles were amazingly good because of John’s songs, then as a solo artist, with exceptions, I just don’t listen to his music.

    Lennon wrote songs he hoped would make you think. McCartney wrote songs he hoped would make you happy.
    Or something like that…

    Favorite Lennon songs – whether he wrote them or not:
    Mr. Moonlight
    She Loves You
    If I Fell
    I Am the Walrus
    Strawberry Fields Forever
    There’s a Place
    Twist and Shout
    Nowhere Man
    In My Life
    All I’ve Got to Do
    Please Mr Postman
    I Want to Hold Your Hand
    Hey, Bulldog
    This Boy

    Rest In Peace, John

  8. Once John got off of heroin and cleared his mind from drug pollution he started drifting towards conservatism and Jesus whom he had rejected in his drugged out haze. God allows U turns and I sincerely hope that John cried out to Christ in his moment of dying. A brutally honest person can see right through the devil’s lies.


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