Archbishop Orders Church Altar To Be Burned – IOTW Report

Archbishop Orders Church Altar To Be Burned

Fox News

The archbishop of New Orleans on Friday called the report of an alleged sex act between a priest and two women inside a church “demonic” and ordered the altar removed from the church and burned, he said.

Meanwhile, a Louisiana lawyer representing the two women linked to the alleged threesome called their arrests “appalling.”

“The fact that this involved a priest or took place in a church is completely irrelevant,” attorney Bradley Phillips said, according to the New Orleans Advocate. He represents the two women, Mindy Dixon, 41, and Melissa Cheng, 23, who were accused of having sex with the Rev. Travis Clark, 37, in Pearl River, northwest of New Orleans.

“I understand that people may be upset by this situation, but that does not make this conduct illegal or criminal in any way,” the lawyer added. More

33 Comments on Archbishop Orders Church Altar To Be Burned

  1. How can it be alleged if there was an eye witness and the act of desecration was being recorded?

    They should have dealt with this guy a long time ago when he had earlier problems.

  2. The act was certainly in poor taste, and the older women has a certain satanic look about her. However, arresting them? If this was Portland or Seattle they would bs cheering them.

  3. What the pornopriest and the two video hookers did was appalling. Archbishop Aymond’s forceful statement and his immediate burning of the altar were the right responses.

    But now we get into the question of secular law. Was the sex in “public view”? It was visible to someone approaching the church and looking through a window. Are a married couple engaged in marital relations guilty of doing it in “public view” if a peeping tom sneaks onto the property and sees them through the bedroom window?

    I think the criminal charges are an improper over-reaction to the completely understandable disgust with what they did.

  4. Public records additionally show that one of the women, Mindy Dixon, 41, is an adult film actor who also works for hire as a dominatrix. On a social media account associated with Dixon, a Sept. 29 post says she was on her way to the New Orleans area to meet another dominatrix “and defile a house of God.”

    The subhuman piece of shit is not and never has been a legitimate priest. Period. Full stop. He is a satanist, that is the alpha and the omega of this.

  5. How Satanists in the boy-rape cult justify this:

    “They took a vow of CHASTITY, not CELIBACY.”

    Throw them all into the ocean, Jesus is totally different from money-grubbing Christianity.

  6. WDS
    OCTOBER 10, 2020 AT 12:46 PM
    “Pffft, if they burned furniture every time a Priest abused an altar boy they wouldn’t have the first chair to sit on.”

    ….I grew up in the Church in the ’70s, went to Catechism and Confirmation and Sunday School and everything, and the priest never showed any interest in ME.

    …but I was a Boy Scout and never got molested either, maybe I was just an ugly kid…

  7. WDS
    OCTOBER 10, 2020 AT 12:46 PM
    “Pffft, if they burned furniture every time a Priest abused an altar boy they wouldn’t have the first chair to sit on.”

    …all kidding aside, though, there WAS a concerted effort then for homosexuals to lie their way into the Priesthood with the express purpose of molesting children in order to defame and discredit the Church, which was then the strongest and most authoritative voice against homosexuality there was. They were helped, unintentionally, by the reforms of John like ending Latin Mass and trying different things to reach out to youth, like guitar masses and such, which was accompanied by a downturn in interest in the Priesthood as a vocational choice, so quality control didn’t catch them, they were just glad to have the help at the time.

    I have no condemnation for Catholics at large in me. I have myself parted from the Church over some of these issues and because the Lord sent me elsewhere, but my father died a Catholic and a Knight of Columbus, my mother is a fervent Catholic as is my brother, and whatever sins past and present Church leadership has indulged, they do not share in. They walk in the light as they see the light, and I belive they, and our Catholics at this very site, are blessed by it and have blessed ME by it.

    …that said, the Church hurt itself IMMENSELY by trying to cover it up and reassign these fake “preists” instead of defrocking them and publicly atoning, possibly due to some that got higher in the ranks.

    They were, and are, ALSO not helped by not turning out prominent Democrat Catholics who openly promote infanticide, or by remaining silent on what they see on the big city streets outside their gates every day, or by importing immigrants for no reason other than to shore up their ranks without regard to what this does to the populations they are ALREADY serving.

    But now that the Church is run by an Antipope, it really has very little hope of looking like a moral authority again, or anything other than an institution of flawed Men to the wider world, so barring a political upheaval in the Vatican or a very unexpected death, these behaviors…and jokes…will continue…

  8. …but kudos on burning the defiled altar. Not only is it no longer fit to pay obeisance to the Lord and been used in mockery of Him instead, but NO ONE should attend a church where the Sacrament will be offered on what is NOW no more than a porn movie set piece.

    ..And I have very little doubt that Democrats have pictures and video of it being used as just that, to be used when they want to blackmail this church into line behind them for the NEXT government overreach or the NEXT Democrat legislative approval of perversion…

  9. Anyone object to someone breaking into your house and having sex on the dinning room table. Or perhaps your workplace, doing the nasty deed on the break room kitchen cabinets.

    These nasty pieces of filthy not only defiled the alter, they trespassed to do so and filmed themselves doing it. This disgusting behavior has to be nipped before a private citizen takes offense and the law into his or her own hands.

  10. …what Dr. Tar says about the criminal charges being trespass, I agree with.

    The priest is merely a custodian of his church, NOT its owner. He forfeited his limited permission to speak for the Church when he violated his vows, and so had no right to be there HIMSELF, let alone with the women he offered his blasphemy to the Lord with.

    …hope he tries out for Iman for his NEXT job, say what you will about Muzzies, it’s a fact that all THREE of them would be dead TODAY if they tried this shit in a mosque, and Gubbmint would have simply looked the other way…

  11. Hey, the women wanted kids and the priest was just giving them his ‘blessing’.
    Isn’t that one of the tenets of the church, to screw it’s parishioners?
    The whole thing’s demonic; if they’re going to burn the alter, burn it all – Vatican too.

  12. SNS,
    I too was an altar boy, but in the Episcopalian faith and was also a boy scout and was never touched. Later at an entirely different church I was a member of the EYC (Episcopal Young Churchmen) and the priest in that church was later convicted of molestation. Of his daughters. Humans….. smh

  13. Supernightshade OCTOBER 10, 2020 AT 12:55 PM

    You missed the opportunity by not going into the seminary.

    Supernightshade OCTOBER 10, 2020 AT 1:13 PM

    “…all kidding aside, though, there WAS a concerted effort then for homosexuals to lie their way into the Priesthood with the express purpose of molesting children in order to defame and discredit the Church, which was then the strongest and most authoritative voice against homosexuality there was.”…

    Was thinking of doing an e-mail, but what the hell, I’ll throw it up here.

    IMHO Should be “Not So Humble Opinion…”

    Having spent a VERY SHORT time in seminary my experience and formed opinion was there was no lying necessary. My take on it was from the 50’s and 60’s having the perfect place to go where you weren’t supposed to be married and get respect as a priest and opportunity as a homosexual. As the ratio of gays increased it then became a thing that took over and caused straight males to drop out unless their “vocation” was so strong they thought they could effect a change for the better and clean up the mess that it was becoming. Laudable but more laughable in reality. Perhaps less considering the vocation, but more that found it disgusting in what it had and was becoming. Anyone found talking about it was also shamed or ridiculed big time. So it continued to grow and most just kept their mouths shut.

    As the priest who wanted us to get our marriage blessed said, “You have to forgive.” As he admitted he was abused in seminary also. Mine was not sexual abuse but physical abuse to include concessions…

    Perhaps to return to this thread later and go into one of “my stories” if you will give me a variance against your patent rights for length, but realizing the quality or readability won’t measure up. This is already to long…

  14. …I for one would be happy to read the story of your concession to concussion, Anymouse, I’ve heard of the mortifications of the cloister, but you seem to be hinting at something more sinister than that…

  15. @ cfm990

    Really good. I wish all our people here would watch it. Not just for Catholics to understand what is going on. and what infiltration and cowardice looks like.

    I have now doubt other denominations experience this. His bishop is trying to quiet him.

  16. SNS,
    Was referring to my experience with the Cat Lickers after the seminary, but a snippet of what took place after I got out of there sums it up nicely. They took the “Head Master” and sent him to “Priest Prison” (I believe New Mexico) to sit in an adobe shack and think about his vocation. He deserted and moved to Denver to start a restaurant with one of his “boys” from the seminary. Had connections with some of the crime families in Chicago which is where I believe the money came from as they were trying the usual “buy your way into heaven” and a great laundering operation. The priest that replaced him blew his brains out in cloister and some of the others just gave up their vows and went civilian. Ended up selling the property to the state who then turned it into part of their juvenile incarceration system. Very fitting for what took place there… Too much vitriol to give any more at this time…

    My original thought was what took place after I had been married for eighteen years. Friend wife came home one day and said, “Sit down, we need to talk.” Nope, not that talk! She was pregnant, with twins no less (thought the gun was empty). Delivered two and a half months premature. Iffy back in 87’ and everything worked out eventually with both of them now working in medicine. So my sainted Roman Catholic mother got on my case after we finally got them home (months in Neonatal ICU). “When you gonna get those kids baptized?” So I says to Ma, “Okay, there’s a nice Lutheran Church just up the road I’ll give them a call.” After her head stopped spinning and we cleaned up that green stuff she vomited out between screams I said, “Kidding Ma Kidding.”

    So I called the local parish and said I wanted to get my twins baptized. The nice lady who answered the phone asked “Where were we married?” I said, “Chicago.” She said, “What parish?” I said “No parish, by a judge in the Cook County Government Center.” She said, “WE DON’T BAPTIZE BASTARDS!” CLICK. Well, somebody must be having a bad day and I’ll call back again in a few days, and I did so. Same exact conversation with that gentleman who also hung up on me. Remember now, I’ve seen how the sausage is made from the inside and knew what to do. Get out the check book and meander down the road showing the cheek book first at the next parish. Next town over had the parish priest call me back and say they’d do the deal “if we came in and talked to them about getting our marriage blessed.” So as I mentioned in my rambling above in the other comment we went in to have “our conversation.” Did not perhaps go as he wanted it and in the end I reminded him he said he’d do it “if we came in and talked.” We did that so I expected that he should “keep his word.” They hate it when you say that. He then tried the can’t do it with those godparents, until I got a friend who was a contributing member of that parish.

    At the time they did the baptisms after the Sunday Masses with some of the congregants staying on, plus our invited guests in attendance. Kids were colicky and crying which was no big deal after what it took to get them home and to this point. But our friend the priest took the opportunity to get in one more shot in front of “god and all.” Stopped the ceremony midway and looked directly at me and said “I guess you kids are as uncomfortable in church as you are!” What a swell guy he was putting his principles above trying for the bigger tip after the service.

    Would you believe this is the shortened version? As we walked out one of my buddies looked at me and said, “What a stinking pile of DOGma.” Have used the line a number of times since…

    Good thing Mr. Big doesn’t limit the length

  17. Don’t you hate it when your profession gets in the way of your hobbies? At least they know what the good father is doing with the donation tray cash. BTW, I’d drain, clean, and refill the holy water basins in that church. He probably washed off in them, the degenerate fuck. And was he ever really qualified to bless those waters anyway?

  18. TheMule
    OCTOBER 10, 2020 AT 7:04 PM
    “And was he ever really qualified to bless those waters anyway?”

    …no MAN blesses ANYTHING.

    Only God blesses.

    …all MAN can do is ASK his blessing, and I’d say THIS guy’s request was roundly ignored by the Almighty, and for good reason, too…

  19. dang, I need to get to Church more often!

    …. those wacky Catholic priests …. always ‘dressing up’ for the occasion
    (wonder if he had on one of those pointy hats, like the Popester? … ‘don’t touch that miter, you don’t know where it’s been!’)


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