Pew Poll: White Liberals More Likely To Be Mentally Ill And Depressed – IOTW Report

Pew Poll: White Liberals More Likely To Be Mentally Ill And Depressed

Ha! We know this, but now there is a study to back up what is plainly obvious – lefties are nuts.

19 Comments on Pew Poll: White Liberals More Likely To Be Mentally Ill And Depressed

  1. Just look at the late night shows they watch for release and “entertainment”. Instead of the joking non-political fun of the Carson and Lennow productions, these are twisted and hate politics filled eruptions of spleen.

  2. They have no reason to continue to be alive, but are terrified to die. They live nihilistic, empty lives. Searching for some sort of transcendent meaning for their lives, they turn to something that will make them feel like they are making a difference in human existence. It doesn’t work, (because it can’t), hence the depression and other mental maladies.

  3. Now do a survey of psychs, who are overwhelmingly white and leftist and, I submit, mentally disturbed. (Why they majored in this fakery when they were in college.)

  4. What I find disturbing today is that these people have no interior life at all. They declare every private thing about themselves on social media. I find the phrase “personal journey” very tiresome. Your “personal journey” isn’t epic, my friend. The rest of us just call it “living.”

  5. I also blame Whitney Houston and that insipid song “The Greatest Love of All.” It doesn’t even make sense. How can a broken, flawed person love themselves in the way God loves? God is love. God is the greatest love of all. Stupid, narcissistic song.

  6. Happiness starts within and spreads throughout. Libs never get started on that path, or are easily led astray and become filled with self-loathing and rage when they can’t find their way back.

  7. First time I was in Crested Butte CO, I began to notice there were an awful lot of suicide prevention hotline notices on shop walls & public notice boards: that it was enough to register, especially with an under 2k population, seemed weird.
    How could someone be suicidal in this incredibly beautiful mountain paradise?
    I guess becasuse they’re fricking libtards that, no matter where they are, they live in their own head, which is apparently a bad place.


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