Chuck Todd is Accused of Being a Republican Plant – IOTW Report

Chuck Todd is Accused of Being a Republican Plant

Red State: His tendency towards equal time on issues is apparently a severe problem.

Things may not be going according to the Leftist playbook if this reaction is any indicator. You would expect that, based on the messaging coming out of the media complex that President Trump has no hope, Joe Biden is cruising to an easy victory, and the country will return to something they consider a version of normalcy if not for those dastardly Republicans in the Senate following the Constitution when it comes to Supreme Court nominations.

The only problem is the same media players are not exactly acting out in the behavior of those with supreme confidence. They are acting unhinged over Amy Coney Barrett, are desperately spinning Biden’s foibles and are even trying to suggest his biggest current issue — court-packing for SCOTUS — is actually a GOP practice. And now they are turning on one of their own. Chuck Todd is currently under fire from his own side and is being accused now of being a journalist working in the interests of the GOP. more

16 Comments on Chuck Todd is Accused of Being a Republican Plant

  1. People like Chuck Todd and Bill Maher once in a great while see the light.

    Some of the more intelligent among them may decline to vote for Biden, but will probably not vote for Trump either, which is OK. Biden needs them, Trump doesn’t.

  2. They have been ranting about Hewitt since he wrote a case for Trump being re-elected. Giving an enemy that once spewed NeverTrump crap and now puts out a case for re-election a voice is treason and they took it out on Chuck. Republican plant, what accusation is worse than that!

  3. Chuck Todd aint no Republican plant!!
    His wife is a Democrat political hack & operative!
    You’re not suppose to know it though.
    I don’t even think he’s a college graduate!
    You’re not suppose to know that either.


  4. I went through a period not long ago where I was looking the D-underground site just to see what the other side was saying. I saw lots of hate for Chuck Todd over there and many calling for his firing. Was surprised.


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