I didn’t wear a mask in the Winn-Dixie today… – IOTW Report

I didn’t wear a mask in the Winn-Dixie today…

I went to the Winn-Dixie today, for some grocery shopping. There was a sign out front that said masks were required. I put one on.

When I went to get a cart I noticed other shoppers leaving theirs in the lobby, and no employees were wiping them off.

I picked one and rolled it right up to a woman that looked like some sort of manager.

I asked, “is anyone disinfecting these carts?”

She said, “no.”

So I asked, “why the hell am I wearing a mask?”

She said some other customers also asked and she said I was welcome to some wipes.

I looked at her and took off my mask and went about my shopping.

In a store of well over 100 people, I was the only one without a mask.

No one said a word. No one looked at me cross.

I put it back on at the check-out because I respect the cashiers that have to be in contact with people all day long (even though they are touching every food item I’ve purchased and I have no idea where their hands have been.) (Screw Covid, they could have just picked their ass.)

The interesting part?

No one confronted me. Months ago they would have.

I think that most want to be mask-free, but are too afraid. People are generally conformists and do not like confrontation.

If they were wiping down carts I wouldn’t have taken that stand. It’s just that I find it hard to go along with rules and regulations that don’t seem to add up or have any basis in logic.

Maybe I’m an a-hole.

42 Comments on I didn’t wear a mask in the Winn-Dixie today…

  1. I went to three stores in my little town, today. Almost nobody was wearing a mask and nobody was complaining about it. People are beginning to realize that we’ve all been had.

  2. I don’t wear masks and never have except when I leave my desk at the office. There have been about five total encounters and two of them were actually just asking and I said: I don’t wear them. There are two businesses in town I am done with period. The rest don’t really care and no one even bothers to comment on me going maskless.

    I did have a guy say: You are the guy that doesn’t wear masks. I’ve seen you shopping in Costco. I said: yup, that’s me. I don’t wear masks.

  3. I was in Georgia two weeks ago. The only people wearing masks were the waiters/waitresses and people in the airport. My friends wife insisted we wear one so we didn’t cause anyone to get upset. I wasn’t going to pick a fight with my friends wife so I put one on.

    Here in AZ, Scottsdale dropped the mask order but Maricopa county didn’t. I still have to wear a mask in stores.

  4. “conform, or be cast out!” ~ Rush ‘Subdivision’

    businesses have to conform to the local health department Nazis … for instance, the local Crapplebee’s has to maintain strict arbitrary 6′, or maybe 12′ distancing, depending on certain checker-board spacing, not including across-aisle spacing (no kidding) … otoh, the local Robert (Bob) Evans has a 12″ temporary demountable partition between all booths, therefore they are all open … maybe having a bar (as Crapplebee’s) is not such a good thing? don’t get it …. it’s all so arbitrary, depending upon the whims of the local enforcement Nazis

    other day I walked into the local store ’cause they had a great deal on a great 12-year old Scotch. grabbed 4 1.75 litres & proceeded to the check-out … throwing my magic plastic up on the register when the junior assistant manager ran up & loudly exclaimed I couldn’t purchase the product w/out a mask … looked at him, pause & said, as I grabbed my credit card away & said, “guess you just lost a couple hundred dollars …. chump”.

    … this is sooooooo ‘effed up

    we are here in the one country that has established freedom as a basic tenant of our existence & the formation of our government … yet, we do NOTHING when we are confronted w/ our disillusionment

    God have mercy on our wickedness

  5. Went into local Albertsons wearing my version of a face covering, not a mask for medical reasons, went right past the “hall monitor” standing at the front door, even waved at him. Took my time shopping, ~30 min. Was 90% through checkout and woman came up to cashier with her hand extended and said “void the transaction, he needs to be wearing a face mask”, I said “this is a perfectly legitimate face covering” and she said “face mask is required, would you like me to get you one?” And I said “no thank you” and walked out. Since I hadn’t scanned my credit card at that point they could deal with putting it all back and the 1 pound of specially cut deli ham (roughly $12 of “they can’t sell it”).

  6. Went to the local pizza place last week to pickup my call-in order. Dutifully put on my mask and went in. Got stared at multiple times by seated customers, servers and cooks. I was the only one in the place wearing a mask!

  7. Went to the ER last week where masks are req’d to enter. Touched all kinds of door handles, signed in on a touchpad that Typhoid Mary herself may have touched etc etc. You get the idea. Both of my local grocery stores have a masks req’d sign and guess what? Nobody except the employees (including that black lady stocking shelves) are wearing one.

    Geez, Winn-Dixie is still around?

  8. Winn Dixie is probably one of the few places you should wear a mask, and gloves. I worked there in the 70’s. It wasn’t great then and it doesn’t look like it has gotten any better. YMMV

  9. I think that most want to be mask-free, but are too afraid. People are generally conformists and do not like confrontation. I think that is 100% correct. I have not worn a mask while shopping and have not been confronted at all. Only time i wear the dam thing is to see the doctor, and very grudgingly (and below my nose) at church. the first few time shopping after they mandated them here in TN I felt self conscious and a bit like a criminal but after a few times got used to it and see a few more going naked about the face lately can’t believe people still wear the dam things at all, only the most brain dead brain washed idiots still believe the covid BS. I understand however, their are a lot of self appointed power hungry covid hitlers and Karens in NY still. (actually one person has bitched at me for not wearing a mask while shopping My wife SMH.

  10. I wear a muzzle to get in the door and then pull it down. If the other customers are wearing one then they’re safe from me, right? Yeah, right.
    Much to Mrs Galt’s chagrin, I wrote THIS MASK IS AS USELESS AS MY GOVERNOR on one and CLAYMORE: FRONT TOWARD ENEMY on the other one.

  11. @Cynic I don’t know where you were in Georgia, but out in Acworth and Woodstock where I live, *and Cartersville, too) almost everyone wears masks. I truly don’t understand it. And we are not that close to Atlanta and are supposed to be “red.” I avoid places that say they are required, but most people are just wearing them out and about where there’s not even a request to wear them.

  12. They want me to wear a fucking mask? Fine. I wear either a Blue Lives Matter American Flag mask or a Trump 2020 mask.

    I’ve got a few stares but no negative comments. If some Karen gives me shit I’m ready to fire back with a Bless Your Heart

    (so BFH, were you in the W-D to load up on the $1.99 Rump Roast sale this past weekend? I got three)

  13. I live next door to a very highly populated Amish community. They don’t wear masks. So I will put a mask on once I step into a store but as soon as I see a ‘Mish maskless, I take mine off. I wore one into church yesterday and took it off once I was seated. The Priest wears one except for delivering homily but the music director doesn’t at all. And they both share the same alb for delivering the Word so germs are being shared .

    Just one example of how arbitrary the rules are and how, in the end the virus is gonna do what it’s gonna do and we should live our lives as we want. If you’re scared and susceptible, stay home.

  14. Heck generally speaking about 3/4’s ++ of store employees or Restaurant waitstaff I see, just wear them on their chins to meet the Must Wear Face Mask Mandates.

  15. The medical excuse has worked in most incidents, but not always. Had an argument with a local drug store pharmacist and cashier. Doyble teamed like President Trump. They told me if I had a medical excuse, I would be served outside their door! At the time, they had no sign stating any of that. I was pissed – hope they go bankrupt.
    Speaking of Winn-Dixie, they weren’t the cleanest grocery store chain, but in the 80s and 90s they had the best tasting, great cuts of meat. Kind of miss them in my state.

  16. If people do not like my headgear and I am forced to change it then I whip out the old trusty-crusty bandana that is so loose if I do not pin it with my sun glasses it falls by itself.

    Most of the time I let it fall to my neck after gaining entrance to where ever I want to go and nobody says squat… I agree that most people have figured out we have been fearmongered into giving up our rights but are STILL too timid to say fuck you I aint wearing it!

    Personally I cannot wait until Trump comes out with his “Trump-vaccine” or “trump-wuhan-cure” and puts this whole shit-show to rest already.

  17. . I wear either a Blue Lives Matter American Flag mask or a Trump 2020 mask.

    Yeah, let’s make them an acceptable fashion accessory that way compliance is easily attained.

  18. The mask bonfire in a stadium is coming. The stadium will be packed, the national anthem will be sung (loudly), nobody will take a knee, and no game will be played.

    I have a dream.

  19. I actually saw a guy at the grocery store on Saturday pull up his T shirt over his face while he was shopping with one hand up to keep it covered. I didn’t see if he was exposing his belly and his gut to everyone else who was shopping. The Babylon Bee had an article about a guy who was eating Cheetos very slowly so he wouldn’t have to wear a mask while out in public over the weekend.

  20. I hope all reading this understand that the main purpose of the Freemasonic Magic Force Field Face Diaper is grooming for the “Vaccine” which will at some point become mandatory, the refusal of which will bring increasingly severe penalties. For those bending the knee to Gates by wearing the Face Burqua, take it off!

  21. In the county I live in we have had 8 covid deaths out of a population of 50,000. I have never worn a mask and most people don’t. I ride motorcycles quite a bit and statistically I have more of a chance getting killed by some kid texting than the covid.

    BTW, if your mask works why should it matter if I wear one? To make YOU more comfortable? No thanks.

  22. Rant coming…

    So you started this one while I was on my way home from work. Show up late to the party as usual and must repeat again that the only reason I’m still sucking air is, I never taught the wife how to shoot.

    Whenever I get going on the mask thing she says something along the lines of… “For Christ’s sake how many times do we have to listen to this?” Just as many times as the real ass holes try and make me wear a mask.

    Haven’t read all the comments yet and will return to them, but I’ve had to give in about a half dozen times since March. Kills me to do it, but government, doctor and a few other times was no choice (new hearing aids coming this week). As I said at the start “on the way home from work…” Not wearing it there and NOBODY says a word about it to the “old curmudgeon.” Wonder if I was full time instead of part time they would try and force the issue.

    Must stop now before it morphs into an SNS

    P.S. Speaking of work… Had a conversation with the safety mgr. the other night while he was sitting in his car alone with mask on, me outside next to his vehicle without.

  23. “Was 90% through checkout and woman came up to cashier with her hand extended and said “void the transaction, he needs to be wearing a face mask”…

    Albertsons sucks! Let us count the ways…

  24. Void tyranny ! OCTOBER 12, 2020 AT 10:52 AM
    In my most friendly customer service voice I would have been forced to say…

    “Please get a lip lock on the snotty end of my cock and suck till my forehead cases in?”

    To perhaps get more into common street language after that opening. “Yes, yes, please do call the police. I’ll be waiting in the parking lot.”

    Guess I better go now…

  25. I like what Carpe Donktum does.
    He walks in with a mask on goes passed the security camera near the doorway, then takes the mask off. lol

    I’ve been dropping mine below the nose, below the mouth, or I’m constantly going to drink from a cup with a straw. (Straws are bad too, you guys!!!)
    Outside, I don’t wear em. obviously. lol.
    I have noticed that people at one time would leave the car and immediately put a mask on before going to the store. Now, people are entering the store and then putting the mask on at the last moment possible and leave the store with it dangling from an ear.

    One time, I went into a store without a mask, but with a resting bitch face on and shopped that way the entire time. I was throwing shit in the cart, shaking my head when I looked at prices, looking at my list all annoyed, etc. No one said anything to me. lol.

    Remember the episode on Seinfeld when Costanza acted annoyed and busy to get out of people bothering him to do more work? Yeah, just like that. 😂

  26. @ The-Mamomma –
    I don’t get it either. I’m in Coweta County south of ATL and red country, too. Yet masks everywhere, even outdoors, even when driving alone. I will only wear one in church because in our small congregation we have a number of older, immunodeficient members. I absolutely refuse to wear one anywhere else.

  27. COVID-19 Update OCT 12, 2020 @ 0845AM

    The USA is a Population of about 342,000,000 people.
    Yesterday the CDC reports, we had 53,363 New Cases of the Covid-19 and 577 “claimed” deaths.

    So that means:
    99.98439678362573% the US population was NOT INFECTED by the Covid-19 yesterday.

    99.9998312865497% the US population did not die from the Covid-19 yesterday.

    Viewed in the Big Picture.
    To die from the Covid-19 Virus, you would have to be 1 of the 577 out of 53,363 infected verses the 341,946,637 NOT INFECTED. Or about lottery level chances of 1 in 592,628.48.

    Note: Googled CDC USA average daily death rate. It varies with winter months being highest. But the overall 2017 average is 7,807 deaths occurring on any given day from accidents, non-covid-19 illnesses, Flu, medical issues and conditions and old age.


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