Colorado: Denver reveals suspect in murder of Trump supporter had no security license – IOTW Report

Colorado: Denver reveals suspect in murder of Trump supporter had no security license


The man who was reported to be a private security guard who shot and killed Trump supporter at a Denver “Patriot Rally” has been revealed by CBS Denver affiliate to not have been a security guard after all.

Matthew Dolloff, who was identified by 9News as a security guard who had been contracted by them for the rally, was reported by the City of Denver to not have been licensed for that work.

CBS4’s Andrea Flores learned from the the Denver Department of Excise and Licenses that Dolloff was not licensed as a security guard in Denver. read more

18 Comments on Colorado: Denver reveals suspect in murder of Trump supporter had no security license

  1. More about Doloff here:

    I’m wondering if he had a license to carry that weapon, I believe one is needed to carry in Denver and open carry is illegal for private citizens.

    (Also sort of wondering about his background, people that age usually have a police record if they’re the type to pull out a gun and kill someone without warning, it usually isn’t something that just develops spontaneously without prior incidents indicating it is on the way.)

  2. 9News, or at least that specific news crew, appears to have been fully complicit with BLM/Antifa.

    If they hired through Pinkerton, that office should be investigated by authorities and the victim’s family should sue both Pinkerton and 9News.

    My ex-brother-in-law got a job as a security guard. No thorough background check. He is documented bipolar, alcoholic and addicted to steroids. Great combination with a .45 automatic (He got mad at his rottweiler once, while drunk and roid-raging. Took it out of city limits and shot it dead).

  3. He was a “known commodity” in and around Denver. He should have been disqualified from that particular assignment even if he had been qualified to act as a security guard. To assign an activist, with an agenda he had self published bu posting it online, in that capacity at that event should be enough to bankrupt Pinkerton. the News Station more likely than not was aware of this individual’s past activism, they cover the events he had participated in. They knew him and were on first name basis with him is my inclination. If it comes out that they specifically preferred that he be assigned to their account it is all over for them. Discovery is going to leave no stone unturned, this is easily a seven figure civil liability case, with a couple “deep pockets” defendants who are exposed to the max, and as such it WILL come out.

  4. Yep, JDHasty is on the money….The news channel used him because he was known to Occupy/Antifa/BLM. He helped them to get trusted access tor events….He wasn’t vetted nor licensed to be an armed security guard….

    About the property he is supposed to live in. It’s 35 acres with probably a very nice house and some out buildings. It’s got to be near worth a million bucks or so. He and others raise sheep and products derived from sheep and honey…..Anybody that has raised animals for profit realizes that you can’t raise enough sheep and by-products to pay the property taxes on a 35 acre property (property taxes are plenty high in Douglas County). You also need to be working near 18 hours a day, 7 days which leads to no time to be a political activist…..He a trust fund kid or something similar….This stench will all come to the sunshine soon….

  5. Hey SNS….I was a Pinkerton for a week during the 1978 US OPEN golf championship at Cheery Hills CC in Denver. I had a uniform and a key to the outhouse on the 9th tee….only the pros were aloud access….I was never breached….LOL…

  6. willysgoatgruff OCTOBER 12, 2020 AT 2:20 PM

    …but did YOU do any, eh, “Official Business” in it yourself?

    …ah, to poop where the Golden Bear pooped, it would be like a dream come true, who could resist…

  7. “What is the victim’s name? Anyone? (No fair looking it up.)”

    Yah, some Trump supporters seem to be remarkably incurious about the vic, much like Trump himself. Another vet, just like Jake Gardner. “Our great vets”, eh, Trump? Or maybe he holds the same opinion on military men as his advisor, Henry the K.

    I’m not trolling here, this stuff is a sore spot with me.

    Anyway, for anyone who gives two sh*ts in a bucket, here’s some info on the guy:

  8. “About that so-called ‘security guard’ who gunned down a Trump supporter in Denver”

    ” … The last disturbing element is in the meaning of what went down itself. Shooting into crowds, to take one member down, and scare the rest away, is an old technique perfected by Hugo Chavez, since at least 2006 in what was then a rapidly Marxifying Venezuela.

    Black Lives Matter leaders call themselves “trained Marxists” and have been in active touch with Chavez, making trips to Caracas to be with him. Might they and their Antifa sidekicks (whom I observed as Revolutionary Communist Party members at Chavista meetings in Caracas itself in 2005) have learned that that particular technique – to shoot into crowds to scare them away? It’s a technique which ultimately derives from Venezuela’s Cuban masters, who are masters of mob thuggery. I wrote about that here. If so, it suggests a pretty dangerous turn of events not the least for the press, which is now virtually non-existent in Venezuela.

    What, indeed, was 9News doing, employing an uncertified unprofessional, fully goonworthy guy like this?” .

  9. Pinkerton’s and 9News are going to lose huge. Also, there was a link (from Brad I think) that showed that Antifa was OK with the reporter from 9News. “He’s OK, he’s on our side” or something similar. If so, this could be a setup. The reporter asks for security, this guy specifically. They attempt to set up a conflict right in front of the reporter so he can film it. The links have photos where the security guard had his hands inside the eventual victims’ vest and was trying to grab his gun. This reeks. There is something more going on, and I’m guessing collusion between the reporter and the shooter.


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