3,000 National Guard Soldiers Distribute Meals, Clear Roads in Hurricane-Ravaged Louisiana – IOTW Report

3,000 National Guard Soldiers Distribute Meals, Clear Roads in Hurricane-Ravaged Louisiana

Military.com: LAKE CHARLES, La. — The day after Hurricane Delta blew through besieged southern Louisiana, residents started the routine again: dodging overturned cars, trudging through knee-deep water to flooded homes with ruined floors and no power, and pledging to rebuild after the storm.

Delta made landfall Friday evening near the coastal Louisiana town of Creole with top winds of 100 mph (155 kph). It then moved over Lake Charles, a city where Hurricane Laura damaged nearly every home and building in late August. No deaths had been reported as of Saturday afternoon, but officials said people were not out of danger. more

7 Comments on 3,000 National Guard Soldiers Distribute Meals, Clear Roads in Hurricane-Ravaged Louisiana

  1. …one of the hardest things as we run temps and young people through our food plant is to keep them focused on the fact that they are making FOOD for PEOPLE, not widgets for wagons. The automation distances you from what the point of the product is.

    The point in THIS case being that we serve disaster victims AND the troops that feed them.

    It’s good to remind people about that sometimes, and stories like this help.

    I may very well have touched some of those meals.

    But I pray that the Lord touches every one of their hearts, troops and victims alike, protects them from further harm and strengthens them to the task ahead, even as he heals their wounded and draws the flood waters away from their homes. No matter how large the task, I pray that they know that the Lord is larger and that they use this to learn to lean on Him, and to glorify Him even through their tears so they may one day be with Him in a land where where moth and rust cannot corrupt, and where thieves can never break through and steal.

    And I pray for that in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

    God Bless,

  2. …I know that’s not where it went this time, Mansfield, but were I to show up in NOLO in my “Willie Nagin and the Chocolate Factory” T-Shirt I got after Katrina, do you think they’d understand it enough to beat me up over it?

    Or are politicans down there like eaten bread, rapidly consumed and quickly forgotten?

    Just curious…

  3. SNS – It’s NOLA, not NOLO (smh). The locals would get the shirt’s joke; most would find it funny. But inevitably some woke fucktard who’s failing out of Tulane will take offense to it.

    BTW, I’m the one who started the Governor Ackbar meme, about Louisiana’s Governor. Because HE LOOKS LIKE A FUCKIN’ SQUID!! Slopey forehaid, bulgey eyes, tentacles grabbing onto our wallets! A SQUID, I tells ya!

  4. …no, I said NOLO on purpose because I had this clever idea that it meant…you know,that thing…and also, stuff that was REALLY funny, like…

    …ok, ok, I messed up, so sue me!

    …but speaking of acronyms, I REALLY wish I’d have gotten ANOTHER shirt that was on offer at the time that commemorated the heroism of the City police who were largely absent except for when it was time to take guns away from old ladies trying to defend themselves.

    It was blue, had NOPD and their logo on it, but spelled out from the letters…


    …I’m not sure if this showed a NOLA (see, got it right THAT time) sense of humor or not, though, because the people I was doing business with were actually in Covington, and the guy who sold me the T-shirt was the EXACT SAME ARAB who’s sold me T-shirts in Myrtle Beach, Orlando, Gatlinburg, Gettysburg, and pretty much everywhere ELSE droll T-shirts are being sold to out-of-towners, so I’ll just have to take your word on the locals sense of humor about it…

  5. I live pretty close to Lake Charles on the Texas side of the Sabine River. It’s in the upper eighties and humidity in the low nineties. Miserable working conditions right now. God bless our National Guard.


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