Spartacus Mansplains to Judge Amy – IOTW Report

Spartacus Mansplains to Judge Amy

DIOGENES’ MIDDLE FINGER: Cory Booker has really made a name for himself as the US Senate’s leading drama queen. The senator, who laughingly ran a campaign for president caused a huge reaction as he screeched about “reproductive rights” and the Affordable Care Act in today’s Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings. In fact, all the Democrats stayed on script beating up Coney Barrett over the ACA, the unafordable care act.

As Judge Amy sat there silently, she must have thought it was a damn circus and laughed a little under her mask at the spectacle of Democrats’ attempts to preach about legislation like the ACA, knowingly good and well that Supreme Court Justices don’t enact or write legislation. 

Although Booker might not wish to admit, acknowledge, or even consider this reality, abortion is not a “personal medical decision.” It isn’t medical at all. There is no medical procedure that has as its chief aim the destruction of a human life. Booker’s behavior toward Coney Barrett was so horrendous, actor James Woods tweeted out a pic of the Supreme Court nominee holding up a crucifix to ward Booker off: more

17 Comments on Spartacus Mansplains to Judge Amy

  1. Spartatookitupthebackpassage is still smarting over Obiden picking that Jamindian for his running mate. He is as qualified as any other Black Colored Woman to get that position.

  2. “.. This is total garbage. It comes as a study rolls out showing that Obamacare itself is killing off millions.
    Matt Margolis at PJMedia found this ugly little detail about this government health care takeover that Democrats confuse with actual health care:

    According to a Gallup survey from December 2019, 33 percent of Americans say they or a family member put off treatment for a health condition because of the costs.

    This number has remained virtually unchanged since Obamacare was passed. In fact, the number has averaged about 30 percent since 2006, which is significantly higher than it was back in 2001, when only 19 percent of Americans said they or a family member put off treatment for a health condition because of the cost…” .

    Added to delays driven by high Obamacare cost. The unnecessary covid-19 lock down has also increased the number of people with delayed diagnosis or treatment for serious diseases.

  3. I bet T-Bone wrote Retardacus’ questions. As for Judge Barrett holding up the piece of paper, I wished she would have torn it up as a retort to Pelosi but thankfully she has more class.

  4. Booker is just one example of the glut of imbeciles the democrat party has managed to infest the capital with. If one didn’t know the background they’d easily mistake their pronouncements as a comedy routine.
    The fact that they’ve been elected and re-elected makes a sane person almost wish for a 16oz glass of Rev Jim Jones grape Kool-aide.

  5. Some out there are devout democrats because it’s the party that not only tolerates extreme sexual deviance but often promotes it. Corey Booker fits perfectly into that category.


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