Photographer for Denver Post Who Captured Murder at Pro-Trump Rally May Have Some Issues – IOTW Report

Photographer for Denver Post Who Captured Murder at Pro-Trump Rally May Have Some Issues

Red State-

Let’s just call this the “Curious Case of the News Photographer Who Becomes Part of the Story she captured on film” — ignore the fact no one uses film anymore.

Prominent in and around the scene of Saturday’s “Patriot Muster” Rally in Denver and the BLM/Antifa counter-protest was a female “photojournalist” wearing a dayglow orange vest with “PRESS” in big black letters.  Her name is Helen Richardson, and she works for the Denver Post.  She was approximately 5 feet from Matthew Dolloff — just to his left — capturing a series of photographs with her camera on “burst” when Dolloff and Lee Keltner engaged in a brief physical confrontation which ended after three seconds with Dolloff drawing a handgun and killing Keltner.

I wrote about the images she captured in this story yesterday.

You can’t see her face in this image, but that is her just behind the main BLM agitator in the image on the left, who I dubbed “Mr. BGM” after the motto on his shirt “Black Guns Matter”.  It was Mr. BGM who engaged in the confrontation with Mr. Keltner in the moments before Mr. Keltner and Dolloff came together and Mr. Keltner was murdered.  Today Mr. BGM was identified as [DELETED] Jeremiah Elliot.  [Note — The name originally listed ended up not having DOB (based on an arrest record)  as the DOB of the person listed in the Denver police report as having been involved in the verbal altercation with Mr. Keltner just prior to the shooting]. MORE

16 Comments on Photographer for Denver Post Who Captured Murder at Pro-Trump Rally May Have Some Issues

  1. “Media-Political Assassination in Denver”

    “As the last group of “Patriot Muster” attendees walked to their cars, the same agitator who accosted Stockham and others also initiated a verbal altercation with 49-year-old Lee Keltner. A cheerful cowboy hat maker, veteran, and father of two from Brighton, Colorado, his mission was “keeping the West alive, one hat at a time.” While Keltner was trailed by the Black militant agitator, a Trump-hating Occupy Denver radical named Matthew Dolloff and a local NBC affiliate investigative producer for Denver’s 9News named Zack Newman conferred with each other nearby. At some point, Dolloff handed his cellphone to Newman.”

    The Redstate writer in this post’s linked article states that he won’t speculate about the relationship between Richardson and the Black Guns Matter guy, but it seems that the news producer knew him well enough.

    Given the state of media, it’s shocking but not surprising.

  2. It’s truly amazing how multiple news reporters and photographers were all in the exact same place at the same time.

    Life is just full of coincidences.

    Still waiting to see if UPS has responded to one of their HR Managers inciting a murder and then celebrating an assassination on camera. I’m sure he doesn’t discriminate against anyone in the workplace.

  3. I still use my Cannon 35mm because it takes such awesome pictures, and yes I do also have digital camera’s as well as digital movie-type-camera’s from back when they were two separate devices.

    In fact, the only camera I do not use anymore is an old one-click black & white camera from the 1960’s I got as a kid ( it was my first camera ) and it was the one that sparked a lifelong love of taking pictures when I managed to catch a snowball in flight coming right at me just before it plastered my face….lol

    Ah yes, the best times of my youth was spent outdoors!!!

  4. “…the politics of the Denver prosecutor/DA?”

    Denver is gone my friend. Communist and socialists on the City Council, the same CC that OKs identical laws to San Fran allowing public defecation and drug use.

    Rubber stamped by their black mayor. All of this scum didn’t just magically appear, they were elected by the majority there. The same ones that elected their DA.

    It’s great to see people there marching for decency, and I give them props for that but they need to understand that when the hammer comes down, it’s going to come down on them.

    Fact is if you have a business or home in Denver and aren’t making plans to scoot, you’ve got your head up your ass.

  5. Let’s be straight about this. The Denver Post has been a left-wing media outlet for a long time, see ‘forever’ in your dictionary. Is it any surprise that the photographer wanted to a) be in the story and b) take and edit photos to show that Keltner was the “bad” person? Is it also any surprise that the left media is portraying that being maced is a valid reason to shoot the person with the mace? Sounds like a ‘dog whistle’ to encourage the left to abuse the police (again).
    I do pray for Mr. Keltner and his family.

  6. I hope someone subpoenas the cellphone records and email of the Denver Post an 9 news reports as well as the shooter and Mr. BGM. I’m guessing there will be a lot more going on behind the scenes. I thought this smelled like a setup from the beginning, and I’m becoming more convinced of it all the time.


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