Justice Clarence Thomas wants to revisit social media site immunity – IOTW Report

Justice Clarence Thomas wants to revisit social media site immunity


A Supreme Court justice has urged his colleagues to tackle the issue of immunity for social media platforms. On Tuesday, Justice Clarence Thomas asked the court to consider scaling back Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

The section in question has served as a shield for social media companies, protecting them from content users upload to their platforms. When it comes to content posted on their sites, these companies have argued they are more like distributors of information than publishers. MORE

11 Comments on Justice Clarence Thomas wants to revisit social media site immunity

  1. Let’s just fix it completely.
    – Subverting the free speech of millions of Americans sounds treasonous.
    – Interfering with the free elections of our leaders sounds treasonous.
    The ultimate penalty for treason is the firing squad.
    Let’s carry out a few penalties and the rest of these bastards will surely fall into line.

  2. My ex favorite Congressman, Jim Jordan, took $10,000 reported so far this cycle, from google. He said he was happy to let them express their 1st Amendment right.

    I wrote him and asked if he would feel that way if NAMLA or Planned Parenthood kicked in 10Gs. Never got an answer.

    Which is the same answer as why there’s no term limits despite overwhelming public support.

  3. I manage to stay informed yet I’ve never used facebook or twitter. People complain about their policies yet continue using them daily. Just a question: what is it that makes them so indispensable in your lives that they’re a must?


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