Appeals Court Reinstates Alabama Election Laws Blocked by District Judge Appointed by Pres. Obama – IOTW Report

Appeals Court Reinstates Alabama Election Laws Blocked by District Judge Appointed by Pres. Obama


I covered this case out of Alabama last week in this story, where I wrote:

U.S. District Judge Abdul K. Kallon issued the ruling today in favor of people and organizations who sued … election officials over …. a ban on curbside voting, the requirement that absentee ballots be signed by a notary or two witnesses, and the requirement for a photo ID with absentee ballot applications.  Judge Kallon ruled that the ban on curbside voting, the witness requirement, and the photo ID requirement, as applied during the COVID-19 pandemic, violated federal law and voting rights for people at serious risk of illness because of medical condition, disability, or being over 65.

“As applied during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Challenged Provisions unduly burden the fundamental Constitutional rights of Alabama’s most vulnerable voters and violate federal laws designed to protect America’s most marginalized citizens,” Kallon wrote in his 197-page opinion.

Alabama is in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. In a very short Order today, the Eleventh Circuit granted the request for a stay from Alabama with regard to Judge Kallon’s Order.  The Court issued the stay as to his Order blocking the notarization requirement, and the photo ID requirement.  The stay was denied as to his Order lifting the state’s ban on “curbside voting” so that practice will be allowed where a county wishes to engage in that practice.

The Order from the Court offered no insight into the thinking of the three judges who issued the stay. MORE

5 Comments on Appeals Court Reinstates Alabama Election Laws Blocked by District Judge Appointed by Pres. Obama

  1. So far the majority of these Demonrat power grabs have been denied.

    It demonstrates the power and importance of PDJT’s influence on the appellate courts that so many of these naked cheating attempts by the Magic Negro’s appointees have been overruled.

    Demonrats regard courts as an
    legislation apparatus to enact Demonrat priorities since they cannot get their radical agenda passed through normal means.

  2. If the Liberasl, Socialists, & Democrats don’t see a need for an ID to vote.

    Then let us take one step further, using the same logic they want applied.

    No ID Required to purchase firearms.


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