Early Absentee Ballot Voting in Some States Has Some Concerns for Democrats – IOTW Report

Early Absentee Ballot Voting in Some States Has Some Concerns for Democrats


As is becoming obvious to anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention this year, Americans are voting by mail — absentee ballot or otherwise — in numbers never before seen.

Each party gathers data on absentee voting by their members in the days/weeks leading up to the election because those are “banked” votes.  They can compare the number of absentee ballots — based on telephone calls to registered voters who they know requested ballots — in order to make historical comparisons to the voting patterns in previous elections.

But 2020 isn’t like any previous election.  The number of voters who will cast their ballot in a manner other than in a precinct location on election day will be orders of magnitude higher than has ever before been the case.

But that is a reason why having an accurate picture of the early voting by mail is so crucial — those voters can be taken off the “must contact” list for door-to-door and telephone canvassers for each party.  Knowing who has already voted helps target resources and efforts at voters who have not already voted, making those efforts more efficient and more successful.

I discovered this interesting site, United States Election Project, for looking at the early voting trends regarding returned absentee ballots.  The site does a weekly update of the numbers and what conclusions can be drawn from them. READ MORE

11 Comments on Early Absentee Ballot Voting in Some States Has Some Concerns for Democrats

  1. Big League Politics has a snapshot of Hunter Biden’s computer repair bill.
    It was $85. For one hour of work.
    It’s quite possible our way of life was saved over an $85 bill.

  2. The local left media here in metro Atlanta is absolutely giddy about the long lines at early voting centers, and they like to stress that everybody is happy to wait to vote. And in every report, they always find a person to quote who trashes Trump.

    They paint a pretty picture with their reports, but after a few times, the technique becomes obvious and it ruins the effect. I call it Bob Ross reporting. Apologies to Bob Ross devotees in advance.

  3. I strongly recommend early, in-person voting for everyone especially Republicans lining in Blue controlled states. I have a feeling that on Monday before the election we’re going to hear that polling places will not open due to Wu Flu concerns and that lock down orders will quickly follow. Then the only recourse will be voting by mail as long as you can get your ballot postmarked by Tuesday. And I’ve already pointed out the inherent problems and potential abuses associated with that practice.

  4. Frankly all of this early voting crap is too much. Somehow, some way we were doing just fine for a couple hundred years with everyone going to a voting station, proving who the hell you are on the voter rolls, walking into a booth and marking your ballot.

    Every so called convenience introduced has strangely enough only helped one side with their relentless fraud.

    Since government actually admitting a problem exists that they created ain’t going to happen than create a much needed voter ID to offset some of this bullshit.

  5. ” And in every report, they always find a person to quote who trashes Trump. ”

    In any crowd of any size you can always find someone to say what you want to hear.

    If they’d looked for someone who was abducted by a UFO or sighted a Bigfoot they’d probably have found one of them too.

  6. “If they’d looked for someone who was abducted by a UFO or sighted a Bigfoot they’d probably have found one of them too.”

    Who says the person above and the person who trashes Trump are not one in the same?

    Democrats are not very smart if they vote for Harris-Biden.

  7. I was in a doctor’s waiting room a couple of days ago and I overheard a man and a woman discussing the election. I only caught a snippet of the conversation as I was leaving, but I heard the woman say, “So are you voting for the man or the Party?” He replied, “Neither – I’m voting for AMERICA!”

    I bet I know how he’s voting.


  8. Anecdotally, I drove by my rural, collar county voting place earlier. Mind you it typically votes Republican 85-90+% of the time.

    The line was out the door and going passed several businesses in a strip mall at 9am. Came back an hour and a half later and the line was even longer.

    Normally, this would not bode well for an incumbent. However, this could be Bush-Kerry redux.

    Dems contested the 2000 election and bitched to no end about it. Bush stole the election! Same thing here. Bush trounced Kerry and people couldn’t wait to put that “selected not elected” BS down for the count.

  9. I don’t know of any young people that would consciously walk to a mailbox.

    Kids (18 to 23)have called my office regularly asking if they could e-mail a resume.
    I tell them that if they want to be considered they have to walk to a mailbox & submit a real letter.

    This simple process proves a few things:
    1) they are willing to invest in themselves (0.85 cents)
    2) they are willing to walk to a mailbox
    3) they can address and envelope, may be literate, and fold paper

    1 kid did it and he got hired. That simple.

    2 weeks later, he asked for Friday off, which was fine, but went missing for 5 days without even a call.

    Bottom line: Unfortunately, I would not rely too much on what modern youth tells you they will do.

  10. At the end of the article, an interesting point was made: the last two Democrats to become president were both under 50 when they were first elected.

    To expand on that point, only two Democrats over the age of 50 have been elected to a first term as president since the Civil War. (This excludes LBJ and Truman, since they first became president through succession.) Furthermore, Jackson and Buchanan are the only Democrats ever to be elected to their first term over the age of 60.

  11. I don’t know how they verify the information they compile, but they just posted Trump’s rally in Iowa drew 48.5% non republicans, 29.4% were democrats and 25% had not voted in 2016. They assume all the democrats are voting for Biden. No doubt Biden will get a pass tonight on answering any tough questions but one has to wonder if the stress of this week is going to push him over the edge mentally. He was a mess early in the week before this dropped. How pathetic, Hunter makes millions and the moron doesn’t just buy a new computer knowing what was on it.


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