The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY’S Payoff Scheme | Rudy Giuliani’s EXCLUSIVE Reaction – IOTW Report

The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY’S Payoff Scheme | Rudy Giuliani’s EXCLUSIVE Reaction

must see—

ht/ all too much

11 Comments on The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY’S Payoff Scheme | Rudy Giuliani’s EXCLUSIVE Reaction

  1. It’s simple: our government gave millions to the Ukraine in foreign aid, and Biden used his son as a beard to embezzle it back. Same with pelosi and her son, and john kerry and his scummy offspring.

    It’s that simple. Then, there is obama’s cut, clinton’s, breenan’s, comey’s, gina haspel’s (the CIA) and… sessions’?

  2. I’ll say it again- if the subject’s last name was Trump Pelosi would have new articles of impeachment drawn up and signed and a vote by the 16th with a date of the 18th to argue in front of the Senate. Mittens would already be working on his speech that he should be the write in option for November.

    But, alsa, the MSM will not report, Pelosi will not acknowledge and Joe Biden will say Don Trump Junior knocked that stripper up and has framed his poor innocent Hunter. And Libtards everwhere will eat it up.

  3. So, the FBI and the Southern District of New York’s highly vaunted US Attorney had the contents of Humper Biden’s laptops for over a year and were not interested in their contents. Equal Justice Under Law doesn’t seem to mean the same thing for the Bidens, Clintons, or the Obamas. It’s a good thing that Humper dropped those laptops off to be repaired with a Republican and an American Patriot, and it’s a great thing that he kept a copy to deliver to Rudy Giuliani when nothing happened. Of such little things are great things born.

  4. Rudy has the experience to quickly recognize the many different schemes & methods used by crime families to extort and launder money for what it is because he has seen them all before in NYC. Many times.

    The Biden Crime Family is worse than civilian organized crime mobsters because Joe as an elected official is supposed to serve the public good vs the common mobster crime family that is only expected to be up to no good.

    A friend’s grandfather was one of the early FBI agents in the 1930s in the mid west, later a couple years as a chief of police of a large city he had helped clean up while an FBI agent. In the OSS in WW2, then later a CIA station chief. He wrote a book about some of his adventures in law enforcement prior to WW2. He clearly hated crooked politicians more than he hated mobsters because in addition to being criminals they were also traitors to the public trust. Making them worse offenders in his opinion. Which probably explains why he had no hesitation about being involved with the overthrow of criminal thug national leaders in some of the CIA’s shenanigans activities post WW2. He was one of those guys who would mount up and ride to the sound of the guns.

    In his book he concluded four things are needed for crime to flourish in a city; dishonest local politicians & business owners, common criminal thugs, and crooked cops. He also hated crooked cops, but they were second on his list only because they were hired by an individual in the police department vs politicians who gained their office by convincing a majority of citizens to trust them enough to vote for them. They had to fool a lot of people. A crooked cop only had to fool one or two people who decided whether to hire them as a police officer in their department.

  5. crimes committed up the ying-yang for decades with factual, actionable, PROOF.

    Will anything be done about it at all?
    Not in today’s amerikka where justice is spelled “Just-Us” and only applies to the rich, connected, elites who can get away with any crime no matter how much proof there is against them.

    Meanwhile, the rest of us are subject to millions of “laws” that if broken will see you entered into the privately owned prisoner-for-profit scams that have replaced the DOJ and with the newly updated (thanks sessions) civil forfeiture scams that apply nation wide so that not only the owners of the prisons get rich, but ALL the agencies that put you there get rich from their cut selling your stuff at auction and dividing up the tax free profits from the sales.

    If Trump cannot fix this most dismal part of the swamp people will begin to believe that the “rule of law” is not only dead and buried but that “equal justice under law” has been nothing but a fairy tail for at least the last 4 decades and it time to bring back street justice since the government approved and allowed homegrown terrorists already do this why should not EVERY american citizen do it too?

    Pitchforks, barrels of hot tar, and old tires want to know what your position is because they will become VERY popular shortly if things keep going the way they are.

  6. He talked very slowly and with pictures so that hopefully democrat voters & Little Jimmy Acosta, Meat Head Cuomo, Don Lemmon-head might understand it.

    The Bidens are unsophisticated amateurs compared to the Clinton Crime Family and the Turdo’s of Canada.

  7. A pissed-off, bitter old Bitch once said: You’d better take care of this shit or we’re all going to hang from nooses if that bastard wins.

    Think they’ve got some motivation to lie, cheat, and gin-up a totally false house of cards to protect years of being on the take and selling America to the highest bidder? They’ve all been running one step ahead of the hangman, but now they’re running outta gas!


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