C-SPAN suspends Scully after he admits to lie about hack – IOTW Report

C-SPAN suspends Scully after he admits to lie about hack


C-SPAN has suspended its political editor Steve Scully indefinitely after he admitted to lying about having his Twitter account hacked.

as confronted about a questionable exchange with former Trump aide Anthony Scaramucci.

The news came on the day of what was supposed to be a career highlight for the 30-year C-SPAN veteran. Scully was to moderate the second debate between President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden, which was canceled after Trump would not agree to a virtual format because of his COVID-19 diagnosis.

C-SPAN said Scully confessed to lying about the hack on Wednesday.

“He understands that he made a serious mistake,” the network said. “We were very saddened by this news and do not condone his actions.”


20 Comments on C-SPAN suspends Scully after he admits to lie about hack

  1. I think that Scully may have just learned that good things do not come from lies, only bad ones do.

    At least let’s hope he learned this, but Leftists do tend to be on the slow learner side of the scale.

  2. Lies have consequences? Who knew this? Did you know this? Anybody know that lies have consequences? What’s the frequency, Steve? How’s it feel to prove President Donald J. Trump was right about you and your rigged debate? Thanks for proving what we all knew. Paging Candy Crowley! We have an opening on C-Span.

  3. Marco, there isn’t an opening at C-Span. If you read their entire comment, they say that “after some distance” they believe Sculley still has lots to contribute to C-Span–so they’re not firing him.

    He’s a lying, spineless weasel who won’t take responsibility for his actions–in other words, he’s perfect for the main stream media or to be an impartial debate moderator.

  4. Racer X: Right you are. But this certainly confirms the President Donald J. Trump is truly the Destroyer of Fake News. He’s the Champion. The undefeated Heavyweight Champion. Made it, Ma! Top of the World! Next up: Facebook and Twitter.

  5. If 48 hours of online scrutiny criticizing your past working for one of the candidates on the stage for a debate you are moderating steers you into your darkest hour, let me offer the following:

    A) Congratulations for making it that far without experiencing it before,
    B) If, in your valley for sorrow, you are left with no one to turn to except but Anthony Scaramucci for advice, you should..
    C) Kill yourself.


    I don’t think he’s a bad guy. I’ve seen him on C-Span for years and years and he takes calls from both sides. Some people lie really, really badly because they don’t do it very often.

    Having said that, he should have recused himself from a debate involving a for her employer.

  6. I’m 57-years old and I remember McGovern in ’72 (all I can recall from ’68 were the Chicago riots, Mayor Daly and Humphrey being confused on why his big coming out party went so badly), but I’ve never experienced a presidential political campaign season as completely off the rails as this year has been.

    It’s been a joy to watch the circus tent on the left start to give way and for the entire thing to come crashing down on them.


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