Toxic Masculinity is SEXY! – IOTW Report

Toxic Masculinity is SEXY!

What is it about a manly man that is so appealing to us ladies? I thought that I’d do some research to find out what others are saying to see if it matches my take on this. Well, whaddaya know? Most of the results from a search for “Toxic Masculinity” are NEGATIVE. I would expect that if I were on Google, but DuckDuckGo? Sheesh.

Here is the first choice I had from the results, minus Wikipedia: “A study in the Journal of School of Psychology uses the following definition to explain toxic masculinity: “the constellation of socially regressive [masculine] traits that serve to foster domination, the devaluation of women, homophobia, and wanton violence.”

In modern society, people often use the term toxic masculinity to describe exaggerated masculine traits that many cultures have widely accepted or glorified.

This harmful concept of masculinity also places significant importance on ‘manliness’ based on…”

Oh, just shut up.

The next few (I won’t bother telling you any more than the article title): “How Toxic Masculinity Harms Men and Society As A Whole” “What Is Toxic Masculinity? Warning Signs + 5 Ways to Stop It” “How to Fight Toxic Masculinity”

That’s enough. I need to bleach my brain for just looking at the titles. Let’s move on to reality.

This article was inspired by a conversation on this post by Fur, Stephy Stephanopoulos accuses Pence of ‘mansplaining’

My comment:

“Mansplaining is just the wimp’s way of saying, “Shut up”. It was probably invented by a manipulative control freak female who hates herself. Her idea of a man is someone who slobbers at her feet and begs for her approval like a dog.

Give me a toxic manly man any day. He can mansplain to me all he wants!”

Margot’s reply:

“Yes, YES, Claudia! EXACTLY! I ADORE mansplaining. It makes me hot, especially if I can bat my eyelashes back at the guy and respond breathlessly “Do you really think so?”, thereby encouraging him to mansplain some more.

Ladies, they’re trying to take all the fun out of vive la difference, and Margot is most unhappy about it!”

Since the left exploded with pearl clutching over toxic masculinity, I have used my Twitter account (and even here on iOTWr) to promote the fact that real women love our toxic men. Being conservative, real women don’t want to change our men. We don’t want another girlfriend; we have plenty of them. We want the differences between the sexes to shine.

Men think. They need to pull away to have time to process their thoughts. When they are finished thinking, then they do. Women? We talk; that’s our process. An important part of men’s lives is to take care of people; family, friends, neighbors and country, because they are providers and protectors. Men are visual, and what real woman doesn’t totally understand that? Men need to be respected in their jobs, and with family and friends. Women? Love is our respect. Men are strong in spirit as well as strong physically. We rely on our men.

A man fixes things. He explains what’s important to him and we love to listen to him talk. He may not get why we blubber when watching “An Affair to Remember” for the third time, but we love him for that. If a man cries, it’s not because he broke a nail. He cries because he is secure in his manhood and would flatten another man if he were to laugh; as if what would make him cry was weak.

There must be more that I missed. So, ladies. Let’s show our toxic manly men how much we love them.

82 Comments on Toxic Masculinity is SEXY!

  1. Bravo, Claudia! Great post in praise of toxic masculinity!

    Here’s Wikipedia’s take on “toxic masculinity”:

    It’s enough to make your eyes glaze over. Check this out:

    “The concept of toxic masculinity is used in academic and media discussions of masculinity”

    Academia and the media, the usual suspects. And then Wikipedia says this:

    “Other traditionally masculine traits such as devotion to work, pride in excelling at sports, and providing for one’s family, are not considered to be “toxic”.”

    Gee, I’m sure glad of that!

  2. My two cents: I think “mansplaining” is usually a way for guys to try to impress the ladies, much more than an attempt to dominate.

    A guy wants to sound like he’s knowledgeable and has enough smarts to be dateable and potentially an object of affection.

    Another point: nobody knows why humans are always warring with each other. To me, the essence of war is to gain more territory and thus provide the community with more crops, game, domesticated cattle, fresh water, and other essentials for living. Somehow, men took over this role, and so we end up praising strong, muscular, and aggressive men – all of which is a good thing.

    What we don’t know is the role women played, if any, in pushing the men to get out there and protect our land and/or, defeat neighboring tribes for plunder and more territory. I can guess that women were pleased when their men were victorious and brought home all kinds of valuables.

    This is just a supposition on my part, but it may have some validity.

  3. What is the difference between a Mansplainer and a know it all Bitch? In the case of Commala that is?

    Raise men not boys, with the HIGHEST respect to woman who GIVE back or show respect.

    There is no such thing as ‘toxic’ masculinty, there are abusive assholes, and THEY should be pariahs. Just like the left itself who makes up these FAKE phrases and words like ‘sexual preference’. And the dictionary changes it the next day???

    Does anyone ever listen to the male/female hour on Prager’s Show?

  4. What is so “toxic” about masculinity?
    Look – I’m a man. I’ve been married to the same woman for 33 years and still love her dearly. I raised two intelligent, successful children. I went to college and paid for it myself, obtaining a BS in mechanical engineering. I I continued and got a master’s degree.
    I perform my own home repairs. I do my own yard maintenance. I own, maintain and drive a fast, 51 year old classic muscle car because it’s fun to drive and it makes a bunch of noise. I hunt and fish because I take satisfaction in being able to fend for myself (and it tastes good). I shoot guns because I REALLY enjoy the adrenaline rush when they go BOOM and kick the shit out of my shoulder, and the bullet hits the target.
    What’s toxic about that?

  5. The movie Aquaman was a mega super hit because of one word “Masculinity”. Hollywood made a movie about something American woman don’t see to often any more –
    A man.
    A man’s man.
    No social justice female empowerment.
    No feminism.
    Just pure machismo.
    Pure Masculinity.
    And the world’s woman ate it up.
    Woman need more men in their lives not whiney soy boys.

    Lebron James isn’t a man!

  6. Toxic masculinity saves lives! I know it saved mine when I was in college. I drove into Boston to meet up with some friends at a favorite watering hole, and ended up three sheets to the wind. I was having a lovely conversation with a young man (lovely for me, I have a vague memory of him listening intently to me, probably because he was trying to make sense of the slurring, while I thought he found me fascinating).

    Anyway, I left to go home, and unbeknownst to me, he followed me out, at a distance. I’m in the parking lot, trying to find my car and not having much luck. I hear a voice behind me say “Yeah, that’s not happening”. Next think I know, it’s morning and I’m in the top bunk in a dorm room, fully clothed, trying to make sense of what happened.

    The door opens, and the guy walks in and hands me a cup of coffee. I was very embarrassed, and all I could think of to ask was “How in the hell did you get me up into this bunk?”

    He laughed and said “It wasn’t easy”. Anyway, had it not been for toxic masculinity, I could have ended up as a grease spot on the highway somewhere. He did say he had to explain to me why I couldn’t drive. That’s what I call mansplaining!

  7. Wait a minute…… If “….traits that serve to foster domination, the devaluation of women, homophobia, and wanton violence.” is the definition of “TOXIC” masculinity, then I for one am not “toxically” masculine…. some times I like her on top…. I absolutely LOVE women….. not afraid of fags…. and whilst have been in my share of physical confrontations, I have never practiced “wanton” violence.

    just sayin’

  8. Many words. Confuses man with big swinging dick. Need nap with woman dragged in by hair.

    Honestly. I am about done with these miserable people who turn normal males into knuckle dragging cavemen.
    Go perform an act upon yourselves that is physically impossible. Have fun trying though.

    I am not impressed by your lack of intelligence and will no longer tolerate your insults.

  9. The gender that reacts most when they come in contact with “Toxic Masculinity”, is not women. And what is Toxic to them? Anybody that’s bigger and badder. A by product of a repressive society and lack of drive on their part. I could tell you some stories.

  10. Some great points from Claudia’s post:

    1) “Being conservative, real women don’t want to change our men. We don’t want another girlfriend; we have plenty of them. We want the differences between the sexes to shine.”

    So well said. The left wants to take the fun out of everything, so of course they want to make men and women miserable with each other. Nothing is more fun than a few sparks flying back and forth!

    2) “Women? We talk; that’s our process.” Lol, true. My ex (still a friend) would sometimes say “Do you have an OFF button?”

    3)”A man fixes things.” I love it when he can open the jar that I’m struggling with. Seriously, though, I remember when some doofus in a backhoe took out a row of electrical wires in a subdivision where I used to live, poles and all came down on some of the houses, a couple of them caught fire. Anyway, we were without electricity for a couple of days. When the team of linemen and technicians came in to fix things, you could smell the testosterone all over the place. Heavenly! (And they did a great job, too. :grin:)

  11. Another point on conservative women loving what they call toxic masculinity men, in this nightmare year 2020 where the left is violently attacking people and trying to force them to submit to putting their fist in the air or even the lunatic Karen’s screaming at you for not having a mask I really enjoy having a 6’3” masculine husband. No one bothers him and hence me. It just makes them angrier that they have turned their men into pathetic embarrassing PJ soy boys who they have to protect and burst into tears when they get arrested on the streets.

  12. If you’re not a male with a boyfriend or a “partner” and you don’t have a tv show on hgtv and you don’t have a lisp…

    If you haven’t used the words ‘fabulous’ ‘marvelous’ or ‘adorable’ within the last 6 months…. strike that… forever, you are toxically male.

    If you have ever dropped a tree or a deer or trou in the woods. You are toxically male.

  13. Hair. I miss hair on the arms, legs, and chest and face. A Cleanly shaven face is so sexy. Can’t say the same about chest and arms or legs!

    I personally like just enough hair, but each time her own.

    I never saw how much our men shave until I started watching British TV. What a difference, that snuck up on me.

  14. Definition of toxic (Merriam-Webster)

    “1 : containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing death or serious debilitation; toxic waste: a toxic radioactive gas; an insecticide highly toxic to birds
    2 : exhibiting symptoms of infection or toxicosis; the patient became toxic two days later
    3 : extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful; toxic sarcasm
    4 : relating to or being an asset that has lost so much value that it cannot be sold on the market”

    “extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful” …

    “Bob, you’re so masculine, you’re harsh!”
    “Ted, that masculinity of yours is downright malicious!”
    “Joe, your displays of masculinity are harmful to me!”

    I really don’t think “toxic” is the right adjective to describe misbehaving men.

  15. “If you have ever dropped a tree or a deer or trou in the woods. You are toxically male.”

    Not all needed @ Phenry if you grow up having street fights in the Bronx. They were other animals to deal with! And not many trees…to fell.

    Now, self performed carpentry on the house? Well that’s CERTAINLY ‘TM’…NOT. More like ‘sexy’ for the lady of the house…getting shit done, being productive and shaking the ass on the ladder on the way up to paint the fascia board…making things look better.

    “If you haven’t used the words ‘fabulous’ ‘marvelous’ or ‘adorable’ within the last 6 months…. strike that… forever, you are toxically male.”

    LOLOL. But I did see an ADORABLE baby the other day at a restaurant and she was making faces!

  16. @ TimBuktu, great post. This: “My two cents: I think “mansplaining” is usually a way for guys to try to impress the ladies, much more than an attempt to dominate.

    A guy wants to sound like he’s knowledgeable and has enough smarts to be dateable and potentially an object of affection.”

    I think that’s exactly right. Also right is this: “What we don’t know is the role women played, if any, in pushing the men to get out there and protect our land and/or, defeat neighboring tribes for plunder and more territory. I can guess that women were pleased when their men were victorious and brought home all kinds of valuables.

    This is just a supposition on my part, but it may have some validity.”

    It has a lot of validity. The women of many European tribes used to say to their men before battle “On your shield or with it”.

  17. “Toxic” is not the word to describe how I feel about masculinity. It’s “intoxicating” that’s what it is! A masculine man with a feminine woman is perfectly balanced, in my opinion.

  18. True story.

    I had a widow maker 35 foot dead branch up about 60 feet in the air last weekend. A dangerous situation.

    Much toxic male reasoning required.

    I needed to create a spindle that would hold a spool of 25 lb test fishing line. Tie that to a fishing weight. Launch that weight with the wrist rocket slingshot tied to all of that Over the branch. Then tie that off to nylon rope. Then advance to heavier rope and using tractor with bucket…. ripped it down.

    It took a few hours.

    Do I qualify as being toxically masculine?

    Fishing gear. Slingshot. Knot tying. Tractor. Bucket loader.


    Where do I get my TOXIC MALE badge?

    I would wear it proudly.

  19. I always assumed it was some libtard term used by sissy douche bags and feminists that can’t stand to see a guy who like to shoot guns, work on machinery/equipment, repair stuff around the house because they can and not have to rely on a “professional.” Also includes enjoying the company of women because they aren’t scared of their own shadow. The same guys who usually bust their asses to put food on the table, roof over their heads and don’t ever expect handouts. Lastly, they have that good side that loves their family and pets and will always lend a hand to their closest friends. Oh yeah, and loves our country.

  20. Conservative Cowgirl, that is a great play on words and expresses exactly how I feel. Thanks!

    “Toxic” is not the word to describe how I feel about masculinity. It’s “intoxicating” that’s what it is!”

  21. …I did a lot of typically toxic male stuff in my life, with the possible exception of my starter job hand-washing dishes in a Chinese restaurant, and even there my Taiwanese boss would sometimes tell me to stand outside the kitchen doors and stare at unruly customers because even though I was skinny, I was ugly and tall, so there was no trouble.

    But besides the dishwasher, which I shared with no woman, I’ve fought fires and drove ambulances, worked on cars and bent industrial robots to my will…and in every one of those professions, I had female co-workers.

    Does that take away from the testosterone soaking TM requires? Does that feminize those things, or defeminize those women? Not all of them were dykie, some of them weren’t bad at all as females, so I’m not sure where ANY of this falls on the “masculinity” spectrum.


    No one I knew ever made Tim Taylor grunts or hung up a “No Gurlz” sign or catcalled and whistled as skirts walked by, partly because that’s a pretty good way to lose your job, but mostly because no one I know goes around flexing and wearing everyone out about how manly they are. That would just be weird and unacceptable even in such traditionally male bastions. Women are respected, not harassed, where I come from, but that doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate feminine beauty, we’re just not stupid about it.

    So is it toxic? I don’t know.

    But toxic usually means deadly, and no one ever died from having their butt appreciated as they walk away, althogh some husbands may WISH they could if the wife catches them lookin’…

  22. The word toxic is used by the left to denote negative emotions and scare people away from real manhood. I (and many on the right) have stolen their tactics and am using their derogatory word to describe the type of man that real women adore. The definitions in the article from the sleazy websites are in no way indicative of the men we love.

    Toxic Masculinity = real men.

  23. Oh Claudia, what a topic!!! I really don’t know anything about Mansplaining and “Toxic Masculinity”. All I know FOR ME Toxic Masculinity is a man who has morals, values, faith and self confidence. One who knows what to do to fix everything in the house and takes care of it. A man who is secure in his own skin. A man who takes care of himself to feel and look good for his partner and himself. Has self respect for himself. I don’t know. To me it is a no brainer to be a good person inside and out. That’s what it’s all about and we seem to have lost some of that. Ok, a hot bod and six pack abs and hot hard strong legs go a far way too! Hey, I’m human!!

    Oh, and I have ever told you I have a huge crush on General Flynn – nuf said!

    God Bless us all!!

  24. Always have to remind feminists they’ll NEVER find a good man. The kind of men they’re looking for already have boyfriends. Last time I used that on a couple feminists I woke up after a 3 day coma thinking if I ever have to go into combat I’m taking a handful of feminists.

  25. “…my Taiwanese boss would sometimes tell me to stand outside the kitchen doors and stare at unruly customers because even though I was skinny, I was ugly and tall, so there was no trouble.”

    LOL SNS – had a ROUGH week and some of your comments cracked me up all week long. I needed it, thanks!

  26. @ghost
    Hilarious. When misses Henry worked at formerly vibrant and now defunct consumer electronics retailer, she referred to her manager as a member of the he man woman hater group.

    Incidentally. Did you just see the niece of Osama bin laden on tucker? Holy shit. Endorsed Trump.

    Right at the end of the show.

  27. BTW that Little Rascals was made only FIFTEEN years after the 19th Amendment was passed. The ending of ‘toxic white male masculinity’.

    Think about THAT.

  28. Chuckie
    OCTOBER 16, 2020 AT 8:57 PM

    Sorry about your rough week. I’ll pray things get better for you.

    If it helps, I’m still tall and ugly, but I’ve added old and fat to my repitorie since then, and people in restaurants still fear me even though I’m not getting paid for it any more, so there’s that…

  29. PHenry
    OCTOBER 16, 2020 AT 8:35 PM
    “True story.

    I had a widow maker 35 foot dead branch up about 60 feet in the air last weekend. A dangerous situation.”

    …I bought my own fire helmet back in the day because some guys got together to get a price on cool, traditional leather-wrapped high peaked ones with the Beonx Bend on the back instead of the boring, composite, Roundhead issue ones the Department doled out, and I got in on it because I was a young single dude with no bills to speak of (THEM days are gone forever!) so bpught this horribly expensive topper for myself just because.. I still have it, complete with my old department name and accountability number, as a souvenir of other days and other dangers that’s still a little mangled on the shield claw from where a burning roof tried to fall on me.

    It’s a relic of bygone days, true, but it’s still also a stout steel brain bucket with chin strap, neck protection (from the Bronx Bend) and attached eye shield visor, so I’ll still don it when I’m trimming higher branches with the pole mounted chain saw so when they fall on my head I have some defection, althogh its interesting to note the stares of passers-by on foot and in cars, sometimes craning around like they figure my fire truck is somewhere nearby and there must have been a natural disaster they hasn’t heard about somehow…

  30. “Oh, and I have ever told you I have a huge crush on General Flynn – nuf said!”

    Mary Hatch, you have good taste. My toxic masculinity sex symbols, in descending order by age:

    1) Humphrey Bogart

    2) Clint Eastwood

    3) Don Johnson

    And…in general, guys who have a sense of humor. Doesn’t mean he has to be a comedian, just that he has a fine sense of the absurdities of life. I love to laugh. There’s a guy who sent me into orbit with his send up of Dr. Fauci and some other stuff. (He knows who he is, and I can’t thank him enough for lifting my spirits at a rough moment in my life. I hope he sees this).

  31. Toxic masculinity is going for a ride with your chic, your bride, your wife, in your car in the countryside…

    While NEVER ever asking for directions…when getting lost…but you can read a map!

    Never happens to me…ever. Haha, well that was years ago, no one gets ‘lost’ anymore on a countryside drive.

    Sexy is having a confident hot co-pilot in life, and on the road a guide, a steward THE RUDDER of the vehicle, the ship, that is prior to ‘Alexa’.

    ‘What do I do Alexa? I don’t know, please help’ is the new modern.

  32. @Margot

    Good selection.

    Bogart was a big hero of mine in the 1960’s. Channel 5 in LA had all night movies, many of them from the 1930’s and 1940’s, many of them were Bogart movies. Also, there was a True Magazine profile of Bogart that made me a huge fan. I bought 2 or 3 biographies of him and read them many times.

    My all time favorite movie is “The Maltese Falcon”, followed by “Treasure of the Sierra Madre”, both Bogart films.

    He was born on Christmas Day 1899, so he was a child of the 19th
    century, by a mere week.

  33. “I’d like to hear reactions from the womenz. Over the top?”

    Not over the top at all, Brad, although I’d have to say that capacity for violence is not unique to men. Perhaps overt violence.

    I don’t know if you ever heard of Camille Paglia, Drudge used to link to her stuff quite a bit. She nailed it when she said that when you see men in society becoming more like noodles, the society is degenerating. Or words to that effect.

  34. I’m relatively tall and ugly. And I never beat up people. But yet women seem to avoid me. That’s my take on it anyway.

    But my wife has told me hundreds of times that women were trying to get me to notice them. “She really liked you.”

    “Hmp, why say you?”

    “She said she liked your hat and asked about your watch chain.”

    “My hat is just a hat, and my watch chain keeps me from dropping my watch.”

    “You are an idiot, even after all these years.”

    Apparently I’m impervious to the feminine wiles…

    “Thank you, it’s a Serratelli, and the chain is just a common Double Albert…”

    “Those questions are conversation starters.”

    “Hmp. No conversation needed. It’s stuff.”

    Then I remember her first question to me long before she was my wife. “You play piano?” Being that I was sitting at a piano, and somewhat playing it, I found the question slightly irritating.

    But I’m still an idiot after all these years.

  35. Funny thing @SNS. I was never under the widow maker limb. Helmet not required. Slingshot and fishing line. It was a long distance approach.

    I am old and don’t take risks.

    But I am determined. Ha.

  36. If you ladies want to talk about D4 channel banks, cable repair, MFTs, DMS programming, and the best butt-set on earth… just call me. I can talk about that all night.

    And music. Whoo, and I know carburettors!

  37. Really good back and forth tonight, gang.
    Good night you precious, adorable, fabulous people.

    Oh shit. I said the forbidden word. Fabulous. Hgtv word only used by lispers.

    Did I mention that you are standby where I want to piss? You’d best get scooting.

  38. This is all fine, but what we are lacking is real women. Not among the iOTW crowd, but in the outside world. Real men would respond to the acceptance from real women. Speaking for most real men, we need a real woman to make a couple.

  39. “I can set the timing and tickover of a VW with a 34 PICT-3 in about 20 minutes!”

    You’re about five years too late. One of the happiest days of my life was when I junked my VW Passat station wagon. Maintenance cost me more than the car.

    Now, the orange bug my family had when I was a kid, that was a whole different story.

  40. There is something to that, joe6pak.

    I don’t know what my wife sees in me. We’ve been married 21 years, today.

    I’ve been particular about a lot of shit, and flagrantly unparticular about a bunch of other shit.

    I don’t know.

    Don’t pinch the fucking toothpaste in the middle!

    I don’t really have much other concerns.

    Other than if the automobile is fucking up. Be precise.

    “The car is fucking up.”

    “Ok. How? Be precise. Noise? Idle? Gear changes? Flat tire? Throttle response?”

    I wonder how I stayed married for 21 years.

  41. After Hurricane Rita blew down half the trees on my property, a power company crew from Tennessee drove up after three weeks to finally restore my power. They had to cut up and remove a huge red oak tree to gain access to the power lines. I watched them struggle with their girly chainsaws and finally asked if I could help speed things along. They said they had it, but I wanted my power back on ASAP. I retrieved my Stihl 090 chainsaw which was equipped with a large bow saw. They watched in amazement as I blasted through that red oak like a giant beaver version of Godzilla in a science fiction movie. They had never seen such a chainsaw and marveled at the power and sound of it. The Stihl 090 is the most powerful chainsaw Stihl ever made and is used with a ’72 inch bar to cut giant trees in the Amazon jungle. They are now outlawed for sale in America. Those linemen spent over an hour picking their jaws up off the ground. I walked off beating my chest and grunting and left them feeling like puny wussies. It was a good day, my friend.

  42. @Margot

    Bogart and Lauren Bacall made 4 films together. In the 1940’s she was such a foxy lady…too beautiful for words.

    To Have and Have Not was great, as was The Big Sleep, Key Largo, and Dark Passage, the latter being on TCM just last week. I hadn’t seen it in 40 years or so, but I remembered some plot details (like Agnes Moorhead falling out of a high rise apartment balcony) that I shared with my wife, who complained I was giving away the story and spoiling it for her…of course she was right so I shut up.

  43. @Brad, that’s not over the top. Without that competitiveness, strength and the ability to do violence in men, a lot of great things would not have happened throughout history would. Violence, as in fighting for freedom and protecting a man’s family

  44. Unintimidated, patriotic, conservative, God-fearing good men who know God, are my “toxic masculinity” crush. They make me swoon. Give me a Jim Caviezel or Justice Clarence Thomas type of guy – any time!

  45. LMAO Dang it. AA got me. A strong woman like all women here. This was quite educational for me actually. I couldn’t have gotten through my ordeal with out my wife. Another very strong woman who know exactly how to motivate me. It usually has something to do with boobs.

  46. @99th Squad Leader, Justice Thomas! The strength of that man is deep. I have a lot of admiration for him and I recall very well how he was treated during his confirmation hearing; I particularly remember Biden and still detest Biden for that alone.

  47. @Conservative Cowgirl

    Lots of people, mostly liberals, like to say things like “War doesn’t solve anything”. Without a doubt war have resolved many things. Our own Revolutionary War, Civil War, and Cold War solved things, as well as WWII. My experience is that no soldier really wants to be in a war, but of course sometimes they are necessary.

    The one I was in did not end the way we wanted it to, but standing up to tyranny is always right. The Jews in Warsaw fought back in 1943, knew they did not stand a chance, but fought back anyway. That is what heroism is made of. Compare that to the yellow cowardice of George Soros, a pitiful human being.

  48. I see a guy on the week ends at the gym I’ve been lifting with for over 15 years. FOX is on and we stopped to watch the daily coverage of Portland Antifa riots, and he says to me, do you know what wrong with these fucking assholes? And I answered back, Yep, they weren’t bullied enough in school. He responded. that’s exactly right. That’s no bull shit. Those asshole needed to be bullied.

  49. Conservative Cowgirl. Yes, ma’am! You know exactly what I’m talking about – men of integrity. Clarence Thomas and men like him are increasingly desirable to girls like us.


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