Hunter Biden photos include ‘underage obsessions’… – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden photos include ‘underage obsessions’…

Oh boy…


ht/ woody

27 Comments on Hunter Biden photos include ‘underage obsessions’…

  1. I bet Trump and Rudy wanted to release on Oct. 1, but the COVID scare forced them to delay a bit. That’s too bad, considering how many people have early voted. I wonder how many people will regret voting early for biden?

  2. Humper needs some serious electroshock therapy. Just doing some rough calculations on the back of an envelope indicates that around 1,000 volts should effect a permanent cure. That’s DC not AC by the way.

  3. Trump or Biden is irrelevant in my voting, as far as I’m concerned the vote is for my side or their side and nothing either of the candidates do will make any difference as far as which side I’m on and which side I cast my vote for.

    My vote will not switch sides, and I doubt anyone else’s will either, so that leaves the squishy middle of the squshies in the middle of the road to decide this election. I imagine this may make some difference to them and have the potential to sway their votes.

  4. ^^^^ don’t bet on it … there are a lot of d’rat voters that just might sit this one out, at least maybe not have a good enough reason to go to the polls for ‘their guy’ … especially after this creepy bit of revelation ^^^^

  5. I am not going to believe a word of this until Robert Woodward and Carl Bernstein get to the bottom of this Russian disinformation campaign. This will be concluded sometime late in 2023. It will take that long to check out all the leads and to cross check the various undisclosed and anonymous sources. This will, of course, require the complete cooperation of the Harris-Obiden team. A couple of trips to Macedonia to interview those Content Farmers will be on the agenda, and some quality time in Bangkok looking for underaged Tara Reades will take at least a year or two. Stay tuned and be patient.

  6. Molon Labe: Right you are. It’s been decades since I studied this subject. High voltage and low amperage won’t work on Humper as well as a mere 150 volts and 200 milliamperes would. I’ll probably screw this up, so maybe I’ll have to seek some outside consultants to help hooking Humper up. Will it make a difference if he’s passed out on meth and has wet his pajamas?

    Volts/Amps… true dat.
    I once got hit with 10k volts DC, minimal current. It provided small burns at both contact points, bare wire to right shoulder, and right middle finger to structure metal. WHAM.
    It also caused a near five minute stream of obscenities to pour from my mouth. I could not stop cussing, even when I wanted to speak rationally.
    I sometimes think I died in that moment, but no one’s had the nerve to tell me.

  8. I’m not buying this whole NY Post Hunter Biden abandoned laptop bombshell discovery. It’s what we all desperately want to be true, but it doesn’t pass the sniff test.

    Sorry for throwing cold water on your warm and fuzzy giddy feeling.

  9. @stirrin the pot OCTOBER 18, 2020 AT 1:33 AM
    “I’m not buying this whole NY Post Hunter Biden abandoned laptop bombshell discovery. It’s what we all desperately want to be true, but it doesn’t pass the sniff test.

    Sorry for throwing cold water on your warm and fuzzy giddy feeling.”

    Maybe or maybe not, never going into business with an alcoholic or drug addict has passed the test of good sense forever. Even if it’s the “family business”. If Biden had an upstanding son that was implicated, I would lean more toward not buying also.

  10. It’s very hard to grow up with a father who sets some example and you are going to be far from that. Obviously, Hunter’s track record is not a good one and the use of drugs, etc is a cry for help .America has to stand with people of character! You have been given an opportunity to see all the corruption ! Now stand up and bring your country back! Stern position is needed! Or continue to kiss your great country good by as you have been doing since clinton’s day!


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