Pro-Trump Union Boiling Mad At Biden’s Claim of Support – IOTW Report

Pro-Trump Union Boiling Mad At Biden’s Claim of Support

Daily Caller

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden falsely claimed Thursday that a trade union, which represents craftsmen and industrial workers, had “overwhelmingly” endorsed him.

Former Vice President Biden’s comments came during a discussion on fracking at an ABC News town hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Thursday evening. The union, Boilermakers Local 154, endorsed President Donald Trump citing the president’s energy policies, according to a Sept. 2. letter. More

Washington Free Beacon

A top official at one of Pennsylvania’s most powerful labor groups slammed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden for falsely boasting of the union’s endorsement.

Shawn Steffee, a trustee with Boilermakers Local 154, said that his members were shocked to hear the Democratic nominee claim their support on national television. While Biden claimed to have “sat down” with union leaders to have an in-depth discussion about his plans, Steffee said the Biden campaign never approached his membership. Biden’s criticism to fracking led Local 154—the largest local chapter of boilermakers in the country—to endorse President Trump. More

8 Comments on Pro-Trump Union Boiling Mad At Biden’s Claim of Support

  1. I makes my heart glad to see unions, historically absolutely locked into the Dem camp, endorse President Trump. And a few have made that endorsement when they’ve never made any endorsements before.

    Joey’s handlers are stooooooooooopid.

  2. Joe is a stone cold liar. Nothing that comes out of his mouth is true. And I hope the stories are correct and Joe is going to have a very bad week with new stories with new revelations in different media outlets. And watching Rudy’s show he has it all charted out ready to prosecute.


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