Flashback – “I may be Irish, but I’m not stupid” – IOTW Report

Flashback – “I may be Irish, but I’m not stupid”


Presidential candidate and former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has come under fire after reportedly making a derogatory comment about the Irish.

Biden, who has Irish roots, allegedly told a Democratic forum in Iowa that ‘I may be Irish, but I’m not stupid’.

Biden’s Irishness has been referenced throughout his political career however it seems to have backfired.


ht/ Ghost

20 Comments on Flashback – “I may be Irish, but I’m not stupid”

  1. I’m sorry. Is this 1880 and we still live in ‘Irish need not apply’ land? Honestly. Nobody advances in democrat hell.

    And why do I have a supercomputer in my hand? It’s a phone. Ir takes pictures. It allows me to search. Allows me to write emails, post comments.

    Joe Biden lives in a world I don’t know.

  2. Well, he had blond hair on his arms and legs that the kids use to rub in the sun. And he learned about cockroaches. And little kids used to sit in his lap. He liked that. And he learned so much. He learned SO MUCH! So, at some point, he wasn’t stupid.

    Look. Here’s the deal. No Malarkey! C’mon, man! As for actual roots, check under his hair plug.

  3. Irish people are KNOWN, for as we say, “the gift of the gab”, well at least that is what I heard per my Irish Mayo County grandma. :>)

    In Joe Bidens case, HE is just a simple bullshitting liar. Irish are good for calling that out too, but, as we say on St Patricks Day, you don’t have to be Irish (to call out a bullshitter on the other 364 days).

    Just the FACT that his name is JOSEPH bothers the snot outta me.

    For the record? He is 5/8’s Irish. So he’s REACHING.


    Thanks @BFH.

  4. @Uncle Al – “I may be stupid but I’m not really Irish.”

    THANK you for the reverse social engineering clarification…

    Humpter is full of CRACK and WE are full of CRAIC.

    Ghost (94% Irish)

  5. I have a bit o’Irish in me and I’m disappointed as hell that biden might share ancestry with me. Good thing i won’t do those genetic searches that are out there. I’d hate to find other skeletons in my closet.

  6. The man is more incompetent than I thought (that is not true, I knew he was truly incompetent all along). What a ridiculous thing to say and not be noticed by anyone. Between the Irish dig and the comment about if you vote for Trump you ain’t black and the accusation of raping someone, AND someone is actually going to vote for this guy?!?! To be PRESIDENT of the USA, too?!?!? I’ll never understand how this happened!!!

    God Bless us all!!

  7. @ Moe Tom’s Ghost:
    It’s “feckin’ shite” and we’re all tired of it.

    BTW: Why do you tink the Irish diaspora is HUGE? Partly to do with a famine but a LOT to do with the fact that it’s a wee island of inbred ejits who won’t give ye room to grow. So, here’s us, with a bit of ambition, crossed the Atlantic fer a fresh start and opportunity, only to find Joe Feckin Biden showing his arse and embarrassing us all. Jaysus, Mary, and Joseph! If ye vote fer Joe, ye ain’t Irish. Or Catholic. (Or Black.)

  8. WARNING: NSFTSSF (not safe for thin skinned snow flakes)

    He may not be Polish, but he is a joke.

    It’s a shame, but I feel obligated to inform up front that this was nothing more than a shallow attempt at humor referencing the old Polack jokes that we used to tell. It does NOT mean that Polacks are a joke. In fact, it demonstrates just how we were able to get beyond our fears and concerns over opening our borders to other nations. Same went for the Paddys, the Dagos, the Kikes, the Spics, and the nigg…(dare I go there?) Naaaa, not tonight.

  9. @Little Morphin’ Annie – I can only imagine what mr lil morphin annie ‘says’ about THIS…must be a few choice words…


    Give him our best.



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