Justice Roberts Votes left Again – Grants Pennsylvania the Right To Accept Ballots With No Postmark 3 Days After Election – IOTW Report

Justice Roberts Votes left Again – Grants Pennsylvania the Right To Accept Ballots With No Postmark 3 Days After Election

ht/ hot salsa

22 Comments on Justice Roberts Votes left Again – Grants Pennsylvania the Right To Accept Ballots With No Postmark 3 Days After Election

  1. thanks to Little Lindsey & the Turtle for insisting on holding hearing on Barrett, thus holding up her appointment

    is the re-election of Graham worth losing Pennsylvania in a presidential election?
    Graham & Turtle keep their positions, Trump is out …. win, win for them & their fellow Swamp Creatures

    …. how I loath them all

  2. Fuck. We can only hope that whatever ballots come sneaking in on Friday 11/6 will be like a fart in the hurricane of Trump’s victory.

    Who needs court-packing when you have a gutless cocksucker like Roberts in your corner?

  3. Hambone
    Bush appointed who he was told to appoint.
    3 extra days is wrong even by standard game rules. If you can’t lie, cheat, and steal in the allotted amount of time, you should be disqualified.

    Or water boarded in public.

  4. I never liked the Bushes. They got something really bad on Roberts. REALLY BAD. Or else he’s just an evil little creep who wants to destroy this country for chits and giggles.

  5. Only extend voting until Nov 6? Sure you don’t need a few more days? I mean, an unclear postmark, a smudge of postal ink – it can be so difficult.

    Let’s just make it an even week late is okay. Next Tuesday – and only if the ballet’s envelope is completely defaced and illegible.

    GOD, please save America


  6. Everybody who didn’t know Roberts is a traitor, raise your hand!
    Fuckin maggot can’t read. He isn’t even pretending any more.
    Impeach him and be done with it.
    Take his pension, too.
    He can take a teaching position at Georgetown or Texas State.

    izlamo delenda est …


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