Researcher at Brown University Claims that Trump and American Flags Frighten Black People – IOTW Report

Researcher at Brown University Claims that Trump and American Flags Frighten Black People

This is where we are heading (as if none of us knew this already.)

America itself is triggering. Well, there is only one solution, and no, it’s not to dismantle this country.

Anyone triggered by America, or the flag, will be shown the exit. That exit can come in many forms.


A few weeks ago Bueno tweeted that the online vacation rental company “doesn’t understand the trauma” that Trump signs allegedly cause for Black people.

Bueno claimed that when she and her husband arrived at a property they rented in Maine they saw “Trump signs and other white nationalist symbols” in the yard. Bueno recalled that she was “immediately scared” for her life and her family’s safety.

With how radically indoctrinated many students have become, you can only expect the most outlandish of behavior coming from these students. Late stage political correctness if you will.

Conservatives may have to social distance themselves from these institutions of higher learning. They’re more like indoctrination centers at this point.


No, we don’t distance ourselves from them. We eradicate them.

This can longer be ignored.

33 Comments on Researcher at Brown University Claims that Trump and American Flags Frighten Black People

  1. did notice today, while going to the vets, the dump, wally-world & outback steakhouse for lunch, that there wasn’t an American flag flying from the local Bob Evans (before the shamdemic they flew a big American flag), then noticed the same w/ the bank across the street. went by the local hi school & elementary school & the ‘special’ school & none of them were flying flags either

    … curious coincidence?

  2. I hear South Africa is looking for people with their type of degrees. They can learn something important like farming, now that they’ve stolen the land and killed all the white farmers.

  3. Fine, if a black person is scared of the US flag then make them an offer they can’t refuse. Give them a one-way ticket to Africa (if it’s mom or dad and they have kids make the offer to the whole family) as well as $20,000 per person. They have to renounce their (and their kids if included) citizenship (non-revocable) and any claim to benefits of any type from the municipal, state or federal governments. They are responsible for clearing up any ties (selling the home, cashing in pension plans, settling debts etc). The Feds would need to do a general deal with the African countries that would agree to this. I suspect the number of people claiming this would be small but likely the most vocal of the agitators.

  4. They’re not Americans. They’re African Americans.

    Trump wins the American vote by a landslide.
    Biden wins the African American vote by a landslide.

    Americans select Trump.

  5. I want all of those that were “triggered” to explain to me specifically what the President or the country has done to you to make you scared. No, I will not accept “well, I heard…” or “a friend of a friend”. What has happened to you?

    Was it the growing economy before the overinflated disease? Was it that there were a half dozen instances where something happened to someone else that went viral, even though you didn’t know that person? Maybe it was that Democrat politicians ignored increased violence that was more likely to have caused you harm?

  6. The study also revealed that they are comforted by fried chicken and watermelon. Seriously speaking, the black people I know are generally patriotic and fearful of gangs.

  7. Easy to believe. Liberals are terrified of everything. They suck up the “news” from CNN and believe every lying word of it.

    They are like children who have no independent ability to think, and figuratively hide under their blankets every night.

    They must have to change their underpants 2-3 times a day.

  8. So what are the top 10 things they fear if Trump and the flag are top 2?

    3) quinoa
    4) an honest day’s work
    5) if their child “acts white”
    6) an unpaid internship
    7) long boat rides
    8) Broadway musicals not named Hamilton
    9) Dawson’s Creek
    10) Nebraska

  9. Of course flags scare black people. Ghosts, dudes in sheets, Spanky McFarland and goats in haunted houses all scare black people.

    Why, black people are so emotionally fragile they run from a paycheck. Assuming,(rightly of course) that signing the back of a check is how one loses ones soul.

    Yes, black people need handicap placards for their vehicles… weighted blankets to reduce anxiety, therapy pot bellied pigs and group hugs.

    Poor, benighted, scared black people.

    May God have mercy on their tender souls.

  10. I’m nothing if not racially sensitive.

    To be fair, watching spanky and stymie try to escape from that giant in the treasure cave scarred me for life.

    So….I feel their pain.

  11. Black people who viciously attack lone white people for no reason other than that they’re white and vulnerable and video it while laughing hysterically the entire time scare white people.


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