Bio Tech Company Exec Blasts ‘Retarded’ Midwesterners After Michigan Trump Rally – IOTW Report

Bio Tech Company Exec Blasts ‘Retarded’ Midwesterners After Michigan Trump Rally


“I see your city hosted a Trump-COVID super spreader rally, brilliant since the pandemic is spiking in your state!!!” Pam Stevenson, director of business development for Pyxant Labs, wrote on Tuesday, regarding Trump’s appearance in Muskegon County.

“The rest of the country has finally given up on trying to educate you midwest morons and now we think it is the fastest way to thin the herd of ignorant trumpanzees, so keep it up,” she continued.

“The cherry on top was listening to those maskless douchebags chant to their fat orange God ‘lock her up,’ as a result of retardo trump suggesting your Governor needs to open things back up, which sparked a failed kidnapping plot by more midwest ignorant white supremacists,” she wrote.

Stevenson was referring to the recent alleged plot by anti-police anarchists, including at least one who deemed Trump a “tyrant.” Six individuals have been charged with conspiracy to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

“Are you midwesterners really this retarded,” Stevenson wondered.

“I suppose this is what happens when you have sex with your own family and drink too much moonshine,” she surmised.

“Please build a wall around all of you to protect the rest of us,” Stevenson concluded.


ht/ hot salsa

14 Comments on Bio Tech Company Exec Blasts ‘Retarded’ Midwesterners After Michigan Trump Rally

  1. Ignorant bitch. Blaming Trump for a failed kidnapping is proof enough of her stupidness.

    Sounds like she has what the psychologists call anger management issues and finds it convenient to blame midwesterners for whatever is effed up in her life. She is sick.

  2. What Company does this stupid bint will not be working for might I ask? I just happen to know a couple of multinational Biotechs who might have something to say about this little tirade.

  3. “Well, Pam, Director of Business Development for Pyssant Labs, as of being informed of your politically and geographical opinion, my company will not be conducting any further business with your company in the future after reading your biased, unprofessional and juvenile remarks.

    “I am curious whether your boss and fellow employees share the same sentiments, as well as, your Clients and potential future Clients in the Midwest.

    “Keeping up with current events, the CDC and other medical health research facilities have intimated that the seasonal flu this year thus far, has an unusually low positivity rate compared to last year. Others have suggested the reduction due to possible political and/or monetary incentives.

    Ref. See:


    “In addition, the CDC, stated that “only 6% of deaths have COVID-19 as the only cause mentioned, revealing that 94% of patients who died from coronavirus also had other “health conditions and contributing causes.”

    Ref. See also:

    “So, Ms Peterson, I would suggest keeping abreast of current events which may directly influence the quality of your company’s products instead of openly displaying your politically-motivated, uneducated diatribes that severely deprecates your company in the eyes of your ongoing and potentially new Clients.”

    [Name not Divulged]

  4. These types listen to too much PBS on the radio…available almost anywhere in the US, all day and night.

    Unfortunately, I have several relatives who ONLY listen to PBS on their radios, and have been for decades. They have developed about the same attitude and opinion as this deranged woman(?) about all non-Democrats.


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