Trying to take spotlight off Hunter, the left is hyping a prank pulled on Giuliani – IOTW Report

Trying to take spotlight off Hunter, the left is hyping a prank pulled on Giuliani

Daily Mail-

Rudy Giuliani was tricked by Sacha Baron Cohen into going to hotel room with ‘Borat’s daughter’ and is shown lying back with his hand down his pants before actor bursts in on them.

  • President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani appears in the forthcoming ‘Borat Subsequent Moviefilm’ 
  • The Guardian reported Wednesday that Giuliani is interviewd by ‘Borat’s daughter’ Tutar, who poses as a conservative news reporter 
  • After she removes his mic, he is seen reclining on a bed and putting his hand down his pants, only to be interrupted by Cohen’s Borat character 
  • ‘She’s 15. She’s too old for you,’ the actor screams, waving the former New York City mayor off his ‘daughter,’ played by actress Maria Bakalova 
  • The incident occurred in July and Giuliani had talked about it with The New York Post, telling Page Six that he had called the cops on the strange man  


Nice try. Even if all of this is exactly how they say it happened, at the very most the mayor is thinking that maybe a young LEGAL AGE woman might be coming on to him. Nothing happened.

How does this mitigate the Biden’s corruption and pedophilia?

Answer: It doesn’t.

ht/ illustr8r

28 Comments on Trying to take spotlight off Hunter, the left is hyping a prank pulled on Giuliani

  1. Orange Man Bad, that’s how it applies. They are crapping i their pants over this. Look for them to bump the moron Hunter off next, looking for the sympathy vote.

    It would be wall to wall: Joe just lost his devoted son. You must vote for him or you are just mean.

  2. First question to Giuliani (and I don’t know the details): you’re high profile and the left is gunning for us. Why not take the Pence approach and not get stuck in a questionable position?

  3. Deflect and defend. It doesn’t matter if it is the left or the right. The left appears to be better at it.
    I will admit that I am skewed to the right. However. those who have been around know that I am not afraid to show my biases. I do not always agree, but will always stand fast, unless there is overwhelming proof, in which case I will acknowledge when I think I was wrong.

    In this case, it appears that the Biden camp is looking for anything the will deflact.

  4. America’s legendary and powerful judicial prudence Kabuki Theater system on display. Not interested. If there are no indictments to come from the evidence against the Bidens – THAT does interest me.

  5. Brad, so am I. He’s a vicious, degrading prick with an agenda.

    I saw Borat and didn’t think it was all that funny, just sort of buffoonish.

    That said, I’d never try to seduce Guiliani for fear I’d break one of his bones. It obvious he’s got osteoporosis, or something like it.

  6. I watched the first Borat, or part of it anyway. It is supposed to be him exposing the racism and stereotyping of middle Americans, but despite the way each scene is presented it is Borat being the boor and the local people doing their best to accommodate his very bizarre behavior.

  7. I’m pissed at SBC, but I’m even more pissed at Rudy. Being stupid and thinking with your dick at his age is bad enough, but he knew he got caught, and that these guys had this on him, why didn’t he get in front of this story and defuse it? Now this is all the networks will be covering until Nov 3, and the Hunter/Joe story will get burried even deeper under a pile of bullshit . Stupid jackass. What is it with politicians?

  8. At least he didn’t pull his Toobin.

    As far as Sasha Cohen is concerned, he’s supposed to be a devout Jew. Cohen must be aware that President Donald J. Trump has done more for Israel than any President since Truman recognized the State of Israel in 1948. When’s the last time he took on one of Ocorpsman’s tribe. You know the people who sent billions to Israel’s greatest enemy, the Mad Mullahs in Iran. Death to Sasha Moron Cohen! He’s a traitor to his faith as far as I’m concerned.

  9. @margot.

    If you read what I said, I don’t know what happened but I would never be put in a position that even drew suspicion.
    It could just be a film edited con job by leftist creeps.

    I should not have commented until the facts come out.

  10. @Phenry – married and divorced twice has a current girlfriend.

    Age: 76


    This whole fucking story is NOT ‘about’ Rudy people!!!

    IT’S about HUMPTER and his CORRUPT father and access of HOSTILE governments in the future White House!!!

    “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!!!” – George Soros

  11. I remember Borat pretending to be an Azerbijiani or some eastern euro/northern asian country. He offered then congressman Bob Barr, a taste of his country’s cheese.
    After Barr had a bite in his mouth, Borat informed Barr that it was made from human mother’s Milk. Barr coughed and spit it out.

    That’s humor?

    I would beat that asshole to death with a shovel. Or whatever is handy. I gots me some tools.
    Punk me like that and you won’t make your next film’s grand opening.


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